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British chopper down in Iraq.

Posted: 06 May 2006, 11:37
by andy

Posted: 06 May 2006, 12:06
by DaveB
The footage also showed hundreds of Iraqis near the scene of the crash waving their arms in the air and throwing stones.
I was going to comment on that quote but can't bring myself to say anything PC so I won't. :-#

DaveB :tab:

Posted: 06 May 2006, 14:51
by andy
I think we all know what it would have been, mate. :wink:

Posted: 06 May 2006, 15:30
by Vixus
We do?

Anyway, I really do think it's getting out of hand. This doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

Posted: 06 May 2006, 17:22
by FlyTexas
I typically don't like to discuss "real world" issues on FlightSim forums but stories such as this just makes my blood boil! Our troops are over there trying to help these people return to a semi-normal life and THIS is how our troops are treated?? :curse:


Posted: 06 May 2006, 18:14
by mulletman
DaveB wrote:I was going to comment on that quote but can't bring myself to say anything PC so I won't.
Im with you there. Authough i will say one thing. The British troops should be given the ability to open fire on anyone who poses a threat. Authough this sounds pretty obvious, and is probably in place, i mean ANYONE. Stone throwing obvioulsy isnt punishable by death, but a few shots toward thier feet would so the trick. Same with the petrol bombs, unless they are directed at an individual.

Ill shut up now.

Posted: 06 May 2006, 18:45
by david balmer
during the latter part of the 1800's british troops were in the former middle east. to say it was said the country is full of flies and sand and not worth the effort. so they left battered and brused.
so here we are doing as the soft ***** puppit blair doing the dirty work of the americans under the dirrection of the yanks who could not fight there way out of a wet paperbag. so called super power that were kicked out of vietnam . As an x service man i feel for what the so called top brass are doing with our lads and lasses. ( first world war saying, lions lead by donkeys. how true.
over here in canada all hell has let lose because they are now losing their lads. the goverment has put a blanket ban on all displays of returning coffins. the general public and service families sore red and made it clear that was not wanted. president ops sorry priminister harper has not relented and continue with the american instuctions. watch this space the anti christ president bush has his sites on iran, first to nuke then steal the oil. this whole problem stems from the white house. i could say more but i dont want to be band from this forum of good decent chaps and lasses. so chin up and i'll see you buzzing the skies.

Posted: 06 May 2006, 18:55
by DispatchDragon

OBO of the rather large American contigent here please lock this thread

Comment such as that (whilst containing some truth) do nothing to keep

the tone of the Forum up. Yes it happens , Yes we are all very annoyed by it

However to let this devolve in to name calling political thread does NOTHING

for those killed and injured in times of war.

BTW Mr Balmer as your new to the forum may I direct you to the E&S
content thread and suggest you read it throughly before shooting from
the hip


Posted: 06 May 2006, 19:45
by Garry Russell
This is a flightsim/aviation Forum

In the E&S other things can be discussed

However deep political arguement in my opinion has no place here

I have not replied to any of the above because I have views but feel this is not the place.

So perhaps this can end here before it goes too far and gets out of hand.



Posted: 06 May 2006, 22:15
by DaveB
Read and understood.

Feelings on this sort of thing go pretty deep, especially as many members here are either serving or ex servicemen regardless of nationality. I'm certain that all of the guys out there have their own ideas on what should be done but it serves no purpose for us to debate it here.

Reports are still unclear as to how many were lost in the attack but it is certain that the attack brought yet more fatalities. Our thoughts go to the families involved.

I will lock the thread at this point and thank Steve for the HU in posting it :wink:


DaveB :tab: