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Format for further HS748 texture releases

Posted: 11 May 2006, 11:23
by Rick Piper
Hi Everyone

I need to know the prefered format for livery releases.
I would like to release in large self installer packs but this is not widely accepted as you don't all want 80+ liveries.

so i need to find out what you want.
Only post if you want none of whats in the list please and say why.


Posted: 11 May 2006, 12:25
by ianhind

How big would the entire Pack 3 be compared to packs of 10 at a time?

My choice is between those options depending on size of download.


Posted: 11 May 2006, 12:29
by Rick Piper
Hi Ian

a 10 pack will be approx 6 mb at a guess but you will need all packs if you want self installers.

So at the end of the day it makes little difference. (apart from dialup)

the problem comes with the aircraft.cfg as you will have some liveries with no textures if i do auto installers and you don't want all the packs.

Rick :wink:

Posted: 11 May 2006, 12:53
by Rick Piper
Hi Ian

Just worked out file sizes (Approximate as they all vary a little).

I will most probably make a full auto pack anyway for
and whatever comes out top in the poll will be as well.

The problem is not all simmers know how to edit the aircraft.cfg
so the single manual installs are not ideal although they are my favorite
(I am not voting though).

If everyone would read the readme's etc there would be no problem
but as we all know less than 10% do read them :lol:


Posted: 11 May 2006, 13:10
by AndyG
Horses for courses I guess; my personal preference is for manual installs, as that saves me the time and bother of having to do manual de-installs (not that I have deleted any 748 paints, I hasten to add :smile: ).


Posted: 11 May 2006, 13:44
by LongHaul
I've voted for Pack3 cos I'm lazy like that :wink:

In all seriousness though, I am fairly handy with cfg editing and I still manage to cock-up the odd repaint from time to time. To this day, I have two Vanguard paints that will not display for love nor money, and no idea why that is. Auto-installers just make sure everything goes where you want it :dance:

Posted: 11 May 2006, 13:46
by Garry Russell
I guess one is Air Trader's LH

But which ones are they?


Posted: 11 May 2006, 15:04
by thehappyotter
I've gone for number one.

I guess the number of people who are still on dial-up is pretty slim now days so it will make it easier for the masses.

One down side to that is the space being taken up on peoples hard drives with liveries peoople will never fly.

Auto installers should (hopefully) keep support requests more manageable, people here may be able to install textures manually but i'm not soo sure about some...

Posted: 11 May 2006, 15:07
by andy
They'll still get it wrong with auto-installers. :smile: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 11 May 2006, 15:27
AndyG wrote:Horses for courses I guess; my personal preference is for manual installs, as that saves me the time and bother of having to do manual de-installs (not that I have deleted any 748 paints, I hasten to add :smile: ).

I am the same. Personally I enjoy tinkering around with the config so I can remove ones I don't want & add ones that I do want. Saves me HD space ultimately. :smile: