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Tu 134?

Posted: 13 May 2006, 21:43
by Trev Clark
I think this is the new Samdin payware Tu 134 which has been on his site for months, check it out...........

Re: Tu 134?

Posted: 13 May 2006, 21:49
calypsos wrote:I think this is the new Samdin payware Tu 134 which has been on his site for months, check it out...........
Not sure if its their baby Trev. Only because I have been scanning their website daily for the release of the "crusty". According to their site nowt's happened since March. I am a bit miffed cos it was due at the end of 2005. :sad: Here's the link

Posted: 14 May 2006, 08:18
by calypso
I'm keeping well away from this one ... see

Posted: 14 May 2006, 17:52
Like I said I don't think this aircraft is anything to do with SAMDIM as their model, on the way also, looks stunning. Have a look at the screenshots on their site. :smile: