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flynet aircraft systems shutdown

Posted: 17 May 2006, 18:58
by david balmer
has flynet got an inbuilt aircraft shutdown system. reason being i've just flown an f100 and after a few mins one of my engines shutdown. i could not relight engine and switches would not respond. wondering what to do turn round and get dinged or press on.
i pressed on at 230kts and landed, showed in profile 100% flying record. start of trip aircraft showed 98.3% so indicating no major problems. is this my computer playing up or have we some nasty things waiting to get us.

Posted: 17 May 2006, 19:47
by Chris Trott
No, it's FlyNET doing it. Just be sure that when you land you send a note to John that you need it fixed. If you successfully handle an inflight emergency it will usually give you a full rating for safely operating the aircraft to landing.

Posted: 17 May 2006, 19:53
by RAF_Quantum
Hi Dave,

Yes, there is an inbuilt systems failure. You must have been unlucky. You did the right thing in this particular instance as FlyNET doesn't at this present time take into account diversions or return to base. Regarding the engine failure, I think the client resets the fuel to zero on the tank you are using for that engine. I have only had one engine fail and I think due to finger trouble I shut the other one down as well and couldn't relight. I did a dead-stick landing and got penalised. This is one thing that is 'on the list' for FlyNET to work on. My personal view is that pilots should be given the option for systems failure as is the case within FS9 at the moment. That way a pilot can select according to his own personal preference and ability. Also, the 'diversion' due to emergency needs to be sorted out so that pilots are not penalised. I have not seen a full list of failures and am not sure how the failures are initiated. I believe the failures is also linked to aircraft mainenance state - you can get a failure at any time but the risk increases the longer you operate the aircraft between maintenance checks. I will see what else I can find out.

