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HS 748 and Ultimate Night Environment texture problem

Posted: 18 May 2006, 22:56
by rod
Hi everyone,

Has anyone experienced any problems with Ultimate Night Environment Pro whilst flying the 748? Each time I select this beautiful aeroplane for a night flight, all my night lighting textures defocus into an orange blur. At first I thought it was my graphics card until I discovered it was only happening when I selected the 748. I have not experienced this with any other aeroplanes and the 1-11 and Vanguard are fine, sadly it just happens with the 748, which is a real pain as I so enjoy flying this aeroplane. When I hit the [alt] key to bring up the menu, the textures all come back into focus but as soon as I hit [alt] again to unfreeze, all the night lighting textures become a blur again. I believe Ultimate Night Environment Pro replaces the default FS9 night lighting maps with custom maps. I am only guessing, but perhaps there is some sort of interaction going on here or perhaps there is something strange about my machine, although its odd that it only occurs with the 748.

I would be interested to hear if anyone else has experienced the same problem with Ultimate Night Environment Pro, so I can rule out a problem with my setup? Guess I will just have to enjoy night IMC for the time being. :smile:


Posted: 19 May 2006, 00:22
by Rick Piper
Hi Rod

this was a problem fixed a few days after release.

Download the latest texture pack (pack3) or the night texture fix in the 748 support thread.


Posted: 19 May 2006, 02:02
by rod
Bless you Rick ... :smile:

Sorted :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

So Happy!!!! and so many thanks to you and the team for such an amazing aeroplane.
