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Anyone with Radar Contact 4

Posted: 20 May 2006, 13:27
by Charlie Bravo
I've just taken delivery of this and I'm awaiting my registration code. In the meantime, where can I download the 4.01 update?

All it says on the website is "Check your email from notification via the Google group". It might be me being slow as I've only just woken up after a 12 hour shift but I don't understand that.

Posted: 20 May 2006, 13:28
by Charlie Bravo
Scrub that, I've recieved the key (within 10mins!!!!) and it contains the update link.

Posted: 20 May 2006, 14:44
by DaveB
Let us know what you think Chris :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 20 May 2006, 14:53
by PeteP
Not getting interested are you, Dave? All that being told what to do and how and when to do it, where to go and how to get there - and then being told off when you don't do it either correctly or fast enough!!! Believe me, flying with RC4 is worse than being married. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 20 May 2006, 15:03
by Charlie Bravo
It's pretty good chaps. Much better than the MS boll*cks.

I haven't read the manual as I can't be arsed at the min, but it's pretty easy to get to grips with it. It wasn't a smooth flight as the panel I was using wasn't all that great but it's only since I used Radar Contact that I discovered that. (couldn't change the ILS freq, alt hold wasn't great etc)

I've gotta go out tonight but when I get back I'll prob do another flight with a good panel and I'll report back again.

Re: Anyone with Radar Contact 4

Posted: 20 May 2006, 15:05
by PeteP
Charlie Bravo wrote:I've just taken delivery of this
I'm on the RC4 beta team and was responsible for the non-US procedures, phraseology and altimetry system so, if you get any problems in those areas, feel free to PM or email me. (pete at pcpitman dot freeserve dot co dot uk)

Posted: 20 May 2006, 15:07
by Charlie Bravo
Many thanks Pete :dance:

Posted: 20 May 2006, 15:45
by ianhind
I've had RC since version 2. Good that they updated for Europe in this version and I now see that Pete was involved :dance:

There was a mini panel that could be programmed to provide those multiple key presses by mouse clicking - intended for FS2002 but works ok for me in FS2004.

And if you have FSUIPC/WideFS, Radar Contact can be run from another PC over TCP/IP - helps reduce the load on the FS PC.


Posted: 20 May 2006, 16:12
by PeteP
ianhind wrote:I've had RC since version 2.
Me too, Ian. I then joined the team to help develop V3 which was the first version with any serious attempt at internationalisation although it had very little compared to V4.
ianhind wrote:And if you have FSUIPC/WideFS, Radar Contact can be run from another PC over TCP/IP - helps reduce the load on the FS PC.
Yep - most of the development team run it that way. I'm one of the few who still creaks along on a single computer. :doh:

Posted: 20 May 2006, 16:41
by DaveB
Hi Pete :smile:

No, I wasn't considering RC4 but it's always nice to hear what end-users have to say :wink:

I was always a big fan of ProFlight2000 (where a second pilot would have been a boon!!!) and was disappointed that it didn't get updated. We all hoped for greater things from M$ with 2002 and again with 2004 but neither even begin to come close to PF2000.

Should I ever feel the urge to experience ATC again, RC4 will be at the top of my list :wink: Wonder what M$ have in store for us with FSX?? :think:


DaveB :tab: