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Graphics Card & Fs9.cfg

Posted: 21 May 2006, 13:36
by Nigel H-J
Did not know where this should go as it concerns not only a hardware isssue but also the Fs9.cfg file.

Briefly I was going to buy a new computer however, due to unforseen circumstances I will not be getting one now until possible next year, my own computer freezes up when in MFS so took it in to a local computer shop. Cutting a long story short had new hard disk as the other was failing. Had new 40Gb hard drive and can now fly MFS so decided to upgrade to a 128 G-Force FX5200. (Charlie Bravo had very kindly informed me how much not to spend on an old lag)!!!!!! Thanks Chris.

Now this is what I am getting to.........When I first tried MFS there was an improvement over my old card (Nvidia GForce2 MX-400) but not by a great deal. Looking at the settings in the main menu of MFS the new Graphic Card was listed but on looking at the FS9.cfg file to tweak the settings I noticed that my old card was still listed!!!

I decided then to uninstall then re-install FS (Don't even think about saying it)!!!!! My frame rates have improved dramatically and the performance is a lot better.

I was not aware nor knew that the Fs9.cfg file does not automatically update itself when upgrading a graphics card (mine didn't) so therefore it may be an idea to ensure that after upgrading your graphic card Fs9.cfg is done as well.

It does make a difference.

[DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200.0]

Regards Nigel

Posted: 21 May 2006, 14:37
by DaveB
We all do it Nigel. My FS9.cfg currently says..

[DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 with AGP8X.0]

.. and guess what.. my current adaptor is an Ati9700pro in this system! :lol:

I honestly don't know what part this actually plays as I'm sure you will have seen when you wound up flightsim for the first time with your new card that it defaults to 640x480 and when you go into Hardware within the sim.. your new card is listed and not the old one. :roll: I think it's fair to say though that to get the very best from your new card.. you need to do a fresh install of flightsim. The only prob is (for me at least).. my install tends to be tweaked over many moons and quite bulky in proportions so more often than not.. a new install of the sim is out of the question.

Glad you got it sorted anyway. That old GF2 MX was never ground-breaking when new being a cut-down, neutered version of 'the real thing' so even a 5200 will seem rapido by comparison :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 21 May 2006, 14:48
by Nigel H-J
Dave, MFS is now so much better than before, it is like having a new computer.

Have you thought about changing your line from [DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 with AGP8X.0] to your new card and see if it makes any difference (Make a copy your Fs9.cfg first).

Might be worth a try rather than having to uninstall FS9. :think: :think:

Posted: 21 May 2006, 14:50
by Jetset
If you do delete the FS9.cfg, what will happen? Will it just make a new copy, but then you have to re-tweak it as before?

Posted: 21 May 2006, 15:04
by Nigel H-J
Jetset..........Don't delete the Fs9.cfg.

Make a backup copy of it first then save it somewhere safe i.e. in a My Documents Folder.

Then try changing your Graphic Card in the Fs9.cfg......I cannot guarrantee that this will work.......If it does not then delete that entry and copy and paste the original from your backup copy to the Fs9.cfg.

If you have the time then I would honestly say that the best possible way of ensuring that MFS properly recognises your card would be to uninstall then re-install. :doh: :doh:

Regardds Nigel.

Posted: 21 May 2006, 15:07
by Jetset
OOOOOOOOoooooooo no, that's a bad word re-install!

Like Dave B, my system has many addons etc, to re-install would take an age, many tears and the consumption of many cakes to ease the pain!

Posted: 21 May 2006, 15:12
by Nigel H-J
OK.........Ok......Then just try changing the graphic card entry in the Fs9.cfg file.........If it works then you should be looking at a minimum of
3-6 frames a second least that is what I am getting now!!! :dance: :dance:

Posted: 21 May 2006, 15:32
by Charlie Bravo
I quite happily delete my fs9 cfg file even with all the addons.

When I recieved a replacement 512mb stick of RAM recently, I went back up to 1Gb and FS slowed down. Deleted the fs9 cfg file and got a nice speed increase again.
(I'd reinstalled FS when I was down to 512mb)

Posted: 21 May 2006, 15:41
by DaveB
:think: :think: :think:

I think this is probably a job for when I've had a couple of beers and to hell with the consequences!! :lol: It's only the next day when I wake up and think 'What exactly did I do last night' :shock: :doh:

CB.. do you use UKVFRPhoto and Terrain mesh?? I seem to remember that these have unique settings but what they are exactly is out of my memory range :k: That said.. if the overall difference is an increase in speed, having a nice new cfg doesn't sound like a bad idea. I'm not sure if 3-6fps is worth it mind you.. especially at places like Malta where knowing my luck.. I'd be at the three end of the scale and it would still run like 3-legged donkey! :lol:

Food for thought though :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 21 May 2006, 15:44
by Charlie Bravo
Negative on those 2.... I use FS Global.

The performance decrease when I upped the memory was huge and it was already poor with only 512mb.
FS just doesn't do very well with a hardware upgrade it seems so I say delete delete delete !