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Jonesy's big day out.

Posted: 29 May 2006, 02:08
by jonesey2k
Finaly was able to get to Cosford to have one last look at the VC-10. Sadly I was too late to se the 707 and Trident one last time, but nevermind. Here are some pics that I took.

:shock: :sad: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: They did a good job of cleaning up, I was hoping to pick up a bit of Trident, but there was nothing left but flakes of paint. Nothing left of the 707 either.




The foreward cargo door was ajar and yielded when pushed so I could take a peek inside.

Here is me giving the '10 a good going over. It really is in a poor state :crying:
I had a look at the 1-11 after, and noticed that a few of the service doors were missing on the engine, so put my hand inside and you can imagine my shock when a couple of Collard doves flew out of it in my face! I thought the engine was falling off or something! :lol:

I was looking at the stairs near the VC10 and noticed this on it, quite interesting...

Work on the Viscount is underway. A good chance to have a close look at those darts.



As you might have noticed from the pic above, the Valiant is out in the sunlight! From what I can see the Hanger is allmost complete and the Victor (and Vulcan?) are allready in there.

The said new hanger, It will surely be impressive seeing at Victor, Vulcan and Valiant in the same hanger!!!

A quick look around the hangers was enjoyable as usual...





Another "What if?" Plane... the Saunders Roe SR 53.


And then I was off to see another type of Classic British in action at SVR.




Posted: 29 May 2006, 02:21
by Garry Russell
Thanks for that Jonesey

That Morris 1000 Traveler really looks the part alongside the Devon! :smile:

Glad you got a last look at the Ten

Nice pics


Posted: 29 May 2006, 10:55
by airboatr
hello Jonesey
the pic of the small prop aeroplane,?....... is that a Zlin?
I just downloaded a plane that looks just like it.
I DL it from Surclaro, yesterday (file
very well done by the way. IMHO.
Thanks for the pics, goog shots there.
the doves give ya a scare huh? :lol:
I can imagine the suprise,I been there before.
Did you look around to see if anyone saw you shudder
after the doves were gone?

Posted: 29 May 2006, 10:55
by jonesey2k
I thought you would like that :lol:
I hope that the Dove version with big exhausts and air intakes is in the works as it really looks the part imo :lol:

Airboatr, Its a Bulldog. And I dont think anybody saw me :lol:

Posted: 29 May 2006, 11:08
Nice shots Jonesey. Its seems deserted at the old Trident spot now :sad: Horrible to think the VC10's days are numbered too. Could'nt you chain yourself to it or something? :wink: :smile:

Posted: 29 May 2006, 11:08
by TobyV
Hi Jonesey, that version is the Mk8 and accounts for about 90% of all Doves I wish to repaint :lol: . I think Del was making one for the AA payware package, so I'm not sure what its fate will be?

Posted: 29 May 2006, 11:12
by DaveB

The VC10 may go as a complete airframe but (fingers crossed) it won't totally vanish. Brooklands are hoping to get some fuse sections though exactly which I couldn't say at the mo :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 29 May 2006, 11:13
by airboatr
thanks Jonesey

Posted: 29 May 2006, 12:06
by jonesey2k
To think, we were making all of these groundbreaking aircraft, and we was still building and running steam loco's! :lol:

Some more pics that I forgot are now up.
VEGAS wrote:Could'nt you chain yourself to it or something? :wink: :smile:
Im still waiting for the obligatory Scouser joke about stealing vehicles/aircraft ect :lol:

Posted: 29 May 2006, 16:49
by Vixus
I hope you brought back enough flakes of paint for everyone...