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Rehabilitation of Offenders

Posted: 15 Jun 2006, 01:07
by Avant-Garde-Aclue
Just a bit curious about the way things stand in the flyNET and client thingy about regaining status percentage. 12 flights ago I incurred a 5% penalty and have worked back up to 98.9% with consistent 100% flights and there it stays. Will future 100% flights recover the status to 100% or does this blemish stay permanently on your pilot record?



(Landing lights criminal)

Posted: 15 Jun 2006, 01:14
by Rick Piper
Hi Sean

do you mean your back to 99.9% ?.

it is impossible to get any higher than 99.9% as far as i can see.

same thing happened to me and a lot of the other guys too.
so don't worry as we are all the same.

Rick :wink:

Posted: 15 Jun 2006, 01:17
by Garry Russell

I guess the more accurate flights you do is just making the penalty a smaller percentage.

Like Rick says 99.9 will be the max.


Posted: 15 Jun 2006, 01:24
by Avant-Garde-Aclue
Hi Rick

Stuck at 98.9% oddly enough. In the real world points on a driving licence get removed after a certain time usually 5 years. It seems a bit stiff that you have a blot on your copybook permanently for such a trivial offence as leaving landing lights on once. Crashing into the Bundestag I could understand, but lights??

Its all good fun though :lol: perhaps as FlyNET criminals we should expect to have more rights than our victims just as in the real world, serve our time (maybe 20 perfect flights per 5%) and then rejoin society. :lol:



Posted: 15 Jun 2006, 01:59
by DaveB
Hiya Sean,

I got pulled a few days ago after 30-odd flights for pulling the landing lights early on the VC9 leaving Jersey. The flight was at ISA so I was reading the shift+z. By the time I heard the bong, I was at 1343ft (ASL) and having checked the flightpath at ground level.. the highest point on the island is 320ft so needless to say, I was very pi@@ed. Due to the number of flights I'd done, my percentage only dropped to 99.9% but.. this is where it will stay. Had I done a lesser amount of flights, my rating would have been lower as it works on the percentage of flights done so.. if you continue to complete 100% flights, your percentage will eventually get up to 99.9% but that is as high as it will ever go :sad:
It does seem a bit rough mate but if you worry about it, you'll not bother flying again. Just keep notching up those 100% flights to increase the reputation of the VA :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 15 Jun 2006, 02:10
by Garry Russell

The highest point in Jersey is over 400ft :think: I think it's 446 feet., at Fremont Point on the North coast one o'clock from the airport.

That is why the TV transmitter is there. :dance:

That might explain how you got caught out. :worried:



Posted: 15 Jun 2006, 02:32
by Avant-Garde-Aclue
Hi Dave, not particularly worried about it but just thought that as the client can bring you back from 95% to 99.9% it could be made to go that bit further to 100% If it could, then it would be an incentive to better flying. But I still think it unecessarily harsh never to return to 100%



Landing Light Criminals Reform League Chairman :smile:

Posted: 15 Jun 2006, 03:52
by blanston12
It seams wrong that the airline can achive 120 even after having problems, but that pilots once they loose 100% you can never get it back.

Posted: 15 Jun 2006, 11:26
by DaveB
Hi Guys,

I totally agree with you. Perhaps some way can be found in the future for such penalties to be time limited to the number of 100% flights as it currently is for the pilot rating. If for example (take mine) I pulled the landing lights a few feet early after 30-odd flights.. if I completed a further 30 or 40 flights at 100%, then the penalty could be seen to have been 'worked off'. 30 or 40 is only a number off the top of my head and could be anything but I'm sure something like this could be done.

After all, you can book a flight for say G-APIM carrying 77pax and in reality, make the flight in a totally different Viscount with zero pax onboard and still get 100%.. not that I would encourage anyone to do this :tuttut:

Oh, btw Garry.. the key phrase about me checking the highest point on Jersey was 'along my flightpath'. I loaded up FSNav with my plan ready and drove Hama's Stalwart along it noting the heights :wink: Incidentally, I as able to fly it back from the Jersey VOR having gone down a dip then up a hill, it carried on going up :shock: Managed a nice 100% landing too :lol: Odd.. very odd :lol:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 15 Jun 2006, 14:37
by DanKH
I brought this issue up over at the FLYnet forum under Tips and Ideas.