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Hola mis amigos!!!

Posted: 15 Jun 2006, 14:01
by Trev Clark
I hope you have all been behaving yourselves :wink: , here I am in sunny(ish)Spain :-({|=
We had afairly uneventful trip out here, my FS withdrawl syptoms are just setting in now! Hopefully if it not spread too far around the european transport system, my PCwill be here at the start of July. At least I am saving money onpayware stuff from Alphasim!
I will be popping in on the forum as we come to our potential new home, this cyber cafe is just up the road. I have already checked and B/bandias available with a 1 or 2 week wait. This means I should be back to normal (if I ever was) by the early autumn.

Posted: 15 Jun 2006, 14:26
by Bridon Bear
Hi Trev,

Glad you made it over OK.....the weather here in sunny Dorset is very Mediterranean at the moment OAT 24.6c.....Saturday forcast is 27c+... :wink:

Look forward to your usual regular inputs soon.


BrianG :wink:

Posted: 15 Jun 2006, 14:46
by Jetset
Good to see you made it there safe!

Posted: 15 Jun 2006, 14:55
by DaveB
Hiya Trev,

Nice to see you up again :wink: Don't drink the water (unless it has alcohol in it) :lol:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 15 Jun 2006, 21:27
by Avant-Garde-Aclue
Mi aerolizadoras es lleno des anguillas


Posted: 15 Jun 2006, 22:09
by DaveG
Hi Trev, nice to hear from you :smile:
Hope things go well for you out there.

Posted: 15 Jun 2006, 22:11
by TSR2
Glad to see you've made it in one piece. I knew you couldn't resist cbfsim for long. Hope everything's going well. :smile:


Posted: 22 Jun 2006, 14:44
by Trev Clark
Thanks for the kind words guys. Yes househunting now at full throttle! It looks that I may not have an internet connection for about 5 months, as the house we are looking at the most will not be sold until the end of October. The intrernet cafe has kindly said I can download file and burn them. The PC should be up and running by the first week of July, so the long awaited (by me) Anson VC will be the first port of call!

No PC or TV for 3 weeks (apart from Loa Toros,Bullfighting, of which I am becoming an 'officianardo') and I am still sain :shock:
Alcohol has been rationed for use at the weekends only, as we will both be alcoholics before the end of the year, if we did not!
Bye for now :dance:

Posted: 22 Jun 2006, 16:26
by AndyG

To which part of Spain have you moved?


Posted: 22 Jun 2006, 19:04
by airboatr
good to hear things are settling in Trev
hope things continue to go well
July is almost here
BTW what Is you poison of choice
Mines gin ( Bombay Sapphire Gin)