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Avro Images

Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 10:23
by Jon.M
Dear Sir or Madam,

I recently visited your site gallery and quite frankly I was appalled at what I saw. Or rather what I didn’t see. I refer of course to the section dedicated to the flying machines of Mr Alliot V. Roe where there are no pictures whatsoever.

Where is the bold and brassy Lancaster? Armed and dangerous, yet irresistibly exciting. No sign of the mature curvaceous Annie. Ignored the naked Lancastrian thrusting skyward transporting one to exotic experiences in Havana, Rio, Rangoon or Singapore.
Images to stir the blood and stiffen the sinews of any red-blooded chap I think you would agree, but denied a visitor to your gallery.


You may be certain that this will be the first item in the weekly letter I write to my MP. His secretary assures me that my missives are always dealt with promptly on arrival.

The bounder responsible for this scandalous state of affairs deserves to be severely chastised. At my school the very least he would have received would have been a sharp poke in the nether regions of the popping crease from a cricket stump wielded by matron.

I have appended some electronic etchings from my own collection, which may serve to rectify the situation, at least until something better can be found.

Your Humble Servant,

Justin Shepton-Mallet CBE
Tonbridge Wells









Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 10:42
by DispatchDragon
Bloodnock is that you? using a nomdeplume??

Nice shots BTW - I had posted some of Ed Walters Lanc for the
commeration of the Dam Busters raid back a bit in the Gallery

Your sincyl sincsear cinsearly in haste

Mad Dan Eccles

The day war broke out I said to Lord AllenBrooke "you fool"

Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 10:58
by TSR2
oops! :redface:

Quite right! I'll upload those screen shots of DG's models today. :wink:

Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 11:06
by Jon.M
Mr. Dragon,

Fine pictures they were too sir. I'm glad that someone here has the wit and dare I say it breeding to appreciate these fine aircraft.

Mr. Watson,

Spoken like a gent. A man who can own up to his mistakes is rare today.

Justin Shepton-Mallet

Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 11:40
by TobyV
(Off topic), Leif, shouldnt your sig read "Haka Tiki Mou Sha'ami Leeki Toru"? :lol: :lol:

Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 13:00
by DispatchDragon
Hmm DO I look like Gardner McKay


Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 13:40
by TobyV

You never seen the humourous "US state mottos" on the 'net?

Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 15:28
by Avant-Garde-Aclue
:lol: :lol: Jon. great stuff, great pics too. Where did the Lancastrian come from? what a beauty.



Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 15:29
by Garry Russell
Hi Sean

I think that's a payware one!


Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 15:55
by Avant-Garde-Aclue
Thanks for that Garry

