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Bristol Bombay

Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 08:43
by Filonian
Hi All,

This has appeared on all nodes this morning.



Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 09:04
by Filonian

Whe I got a look at it - or initially not - it appears the A/C was for CFS2 originally.

I have added the following to the Aircraft cfg to get it to show

ui_variation=RAF CSH


The went fo r a quick circuit and it seems to handle OK.


Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 11:37
by DaveB
Hi Graham,

I can't say from that shot that this is one of the best models I've laid eye's on and those wheels look a bit too Carlos Fandango-Golf GTi for my liking but it's there and it's free :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 12:10
by DispatchDragon
And you can see the Bristol Frightners lineage in the wing design as well


I might just have a bash at that

Cheers Graham


Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 12:39
by Filonian
Ay, it is a bit rough and ready, but the read me says to go ahead and make any alterations - and anyway, I like my Bristols - he he he :lol:

I anm not up to playing with model file - would not know where to begin :redface:

Have added a few lights for anyone who is interested - just bung the following as the next entry in the lights section. Stobes? You can't beat a quick flash :wink: :wink:

light.1=2, 11.0, 47.66, 3.55, fx_strobe ,//STBD WING STROBE
light.2=3, 11.0, 47.66, 3.55, fx_navgre ,
light.3=3, 11.0, -47.66,3.55, fx_navred ,
light.4=2, 11.0, -47.66,3.55, fx_strobe , // PORT WING STROBE
light.5=1, -3.44, 0.00, 2.96, fx_beaconh, // upper
light.6=3, -3.44, 0.00, 2.96, fx_navred ,
light.7=3, -39.0, 0.00, 0.00, fx_navwhi , // tail
light.8=2, -39.0, 0.00, 0.00, fx_strobe , // tail


Posted: 03 Jul 2006, 10:22
by DelP
DaveB wrote: I can't say from that shot that this is one of the best models I've laid eye's on and those wheels look a bit too Carlos Fandango-Golf GTi for my liking but it's there and it's free :wink:
Rgr that Dave :wink:

..and ATM I'm reading Derek James' 'The Bristol Aeroplane Company' book and have just got to the Bombay..... a spooky coincidence... :wink:



Posted: 03 Jul 2006, 10:56
by Kevin

STROBES on a mid-30's aeroplane????? :shock:


Posted: 03 Jul 2006, 11:34
by Filonian
Like I said previously Kevin, you can't beat a "quick flash" :lol:


Posted: 03 Jul 2006, 22:36
by Kevin
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Something I've noticed: there is something odd about the undercarriage in the flight model. In common with a lot of types converted from CFS2, it seems difficult to re-position the wheels accurately, & to correct the diameters and the strut travel. When I put in what are (to me) quite reasonable numbers, I get a model which bounces like nothing on Earth. This differs from the ease with which FS2002/FS9 models can be corrected.

In the past, I've fixed this on a few ex-CFS2 models (eg the YAS Spitfire V) by a long & tedious trial-and-error process, and I suppose I could do the same for the Bombay. However, I would appreciate any input from anyone who knows the secrets - is there something obvious I'm missing?



Posted: 04 Jul 2006, 10:01
by Kevin
Answering my own question - the problem is that the [contact_points] section includes the line:


so that in this case, the undercarriage data from the '.air' file isn't being overwritten. Change the line to read:


and the u/c geometry can be corrected.

I'll post some suggested corrections (including a fix for the oversensitive pitch axis) later.

