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Payload weight in FS ?

Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 16:44
Hi all

Can anyone tell me if FlyNet is supposed to alter the payload in FS like it does with the fuel?
I thought it did, but don't think so anymore.
I've been flying 1-11 400 & 200. There is a major difference in landing weight with the 200, even though it was supposed to be similar fuel & payload.

That suggests FlyNet doesn't alter the payload because the 200 model does have a default payload setting about half that of the 400. (Since I always make them so they will hit MTOW with 100% fuel) :think:

So, is payload something FlyNet should be adjusting for us?
Or should we be manually adjusting the payload to better match the CBFS pax numbers before starting up the FlyNet client?
It's not mega important but without a payload adjustment a 1-11 200 may wrongly appear to be out performing all the other marks. Likewise a Standard VC10 may out perform a Super. :tuttut:

This is a list of my models with their CBFS passenger numbers & in brackets an estimate of the passenger numbers they are more likely carrying in FS.
1-11 200 - 89 (35) :shock:
1-11 400 - 89 (70)
1-11 500 - 109 (90)
Standard VC10 - 151 (98)
Super VC10 - 174 (120)
Trident 2 - 132 (95)
Trident 3 - 147 (120)
(rough guess 1 passenger = 90kg payload)

Anyone have any ideas on this?


Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 17:10
by Garry Russell

On your list you don't have the 475 which with the wings and power of the 500 and the short body was a bit of a hotrod.


Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 17:49
by DaveB
Hi DM,

I think the reality of FlyNET is that you use a model of a plastic pig if you want as long as it see's the aircraft its looking for in the aircraft.cfg. I have no first-hand experience of it actually changing the payload.. only the fuel mate.
As an example.. I use two different Rapide models on Flynet due to two of the liveries not being readily available to the general public (eg.. they're Air Atlantique models which only show (and only have room for) 6 pax. Brian Withers modded the v2 cfg for me so that the seat pitch is decreased and two more stations added. All of the Rapide flights are for 8 pax and I've never had a kicking for only having 6 stations available on the two AA models. While it's possible FlyNET may somehow see the weight difference and add some on (and I've no way of seeing this) I honestly don't think it's happening.
Another is Ricks Vanguard. I don't think the standard model as Rick released it has any station loading at all and I have on one occassion flown the model empty. Again.. FlyNET may have seen this and upped the station load to reflect the flight but I don't think it did. Data for the Vanguard is such that if you fly with a full compliament and the cargo stipulated in the briefing notes, it exceeds MTOW and I've never been ticked off for that either :shock:

I believe that one day in the future, these things will be working but I honestly don't think they are at present though I'd be interested to learn what the experts have to say :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 19:23
by RAF_Quantum

At the moment FlyNET only adjusts the fuel load. I believe it's on Konnie's 'to do' list at some point. At the moment it doesn't even take into consideration the MZFW so on some aircraft the payload that FlyNET calculates and pays the VA's for would not be able to be cvarried in reality. The Vanguard is a good example - with a good reputation a VA will get a full pax load and a full cargo load which would put the aircraft over MZFW.

From the flight briefing document, the pax weight and cargo weights are given that FlyNET gives us to carry. Use these as a basis to load your aircraft before you 'fly booked flight' and refuel accordingly.

There is a lot good about FlyNET client but it has room for considerable improvement in some areas.



Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 19:50
Thanks for answering that one for me.

I'd forgotten that some airliner models practically have each seat set up as a 'station load' no doubt leaving it practically impossible for FlyNet (or anyone else) to adjust the payload.

It's a bit awkward that FlyNet stops you from changing the payload figures, but as you say it can be adjusted beforehand and the weight is given in the briefing document.

With some of the models it isn't too critical, but the payload makes a huge difference to range on others.
Can't remember the exact figures for 1-11 200, but it's almost a choice between fuel or passengers. With 89 pax it should be very restricted on fuel load to make MTOW & so its range is much lower than the higher MTOW 400.
Using only the default payload on these models you could actually get more fuel on the 200 than the 400, even though you're supposed to be flying 89 pax worth of payload. :think:

I'm going to adjust in future & see how it goes.


Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 20:01
by david balmer
the same could be said for the DC3, the default has three tanks and add on's have four, the modified default from mark beaumont and the MAAM.
Since i only fly the MAAM, personal preference. i had to work with only three fuel gauges working and deleating all the load figures from the program. if not i would always be over loaded. what will happen when the DC3 with extra long range tanks comes out i don't know. until then i now know i'am not the only one flying with no passengers of loads.