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Hi from Spain!

Posted: 22 Jul 2006, 12:18
by Trev Clark
Hi chums, just a little post to let you know I am still alive and well in sunny spain.
As I can now receive BBC1 (only and for reasons beyond me) on my terrestial Spainish TV, I see you have been having a heatwave, so I will not mention the weather!
I have at last (on the third attempt) got my boxes, including my PC. A re-location of the HD ribbon cable saw it sping back into life after 2 months in storage and being driven across Europe on a pallet!

So, what have I missed, I now have an internet place 5 minutes walk from the apartment, so will be about a bit more than I have been. I can now download freeware, but do not want to risk putting my card details on a public PC, so let me know what gems have been released since the middle of May.

As I am not on line in the apartment, and my anti-virus expired, I have taken it off the PC for a while. What a great difference it has made to my FS speed! It is a joy to use again.

Posted: 22 Jul 2006, 12:21
by Garry Russell
Hi Trev

Nice to hear you're getting sorted.

No worries we;ll all keep you up to date :smile:


Posted: 22 Jul 2006, 14:54
by DaveB
Hi Trev,

This post has heralded the first rain we've had here in yonks and boy.. are we getting some :shock:

You stay out of the sun and don't drink the water :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 22 Jul 2006, 15:39
by andy
Hi Trev, Nice to hear you're still alive........
DaveB wrote:......... and don't drink the water :wink: DaveB :tab:
.........innit a bugger having to brush your teeth with San Miguel.....?

"Have you been drinking,already?"
"No Dear, just brushing my teeth." (For thirty minutes) :shock: :smile: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 23 Jul 2006, 12:24
by Nigel H-J
Hi Trev, glad to hear that you're settling in nicely and yes.....the weather here is somewhat warm......So don't think that any-one is feeling envious of your new location yet.....however, that is bound to change when we get to winter!!!!!!

Regards Nigel

Posted: 23 Jul 2006, 13:13
by petermcleland

I use Avast! for anti-virus and it is free...Wonderful after McAfee :dance:

I had a bit of a job stopping my McAfee auto renewals and if you have the same trouble then get straight onto them to refund and cancel all auto renewals...Then save their reply which promisses that it is done.

Penultimately when they take you renewal again, demand immediate refund on an "Answer" to that last saved promiss. They will refund straight away and promiss again.

Finally, repeat the above step when they do it yet again...They will again refund straight away, but this time without the courtesy of a reply :dance:

Moral...don't ever auto-renew anything :sad:

Posted: 25 Jul 2006, 12:13
by Trev Clark
Hi chums, I am back in the Al Qieda cell (this internet cafe seems to be frequented by young north African students and there is a lot of arabic script about the place9 :shock: , still it is cheap and they burn CD,s for me too. Only problem is the spanish keyboard is very warn out and I cannot see most of the letters. Good speed though, a 30meg download took about a minute!

We are both finding it harder to settle in than we thought, we need more local contacts. As our house purchase fell through we are still looking, but the prices are shocking here now. Met up with couple last night who live just up the road, he was an engine fitter on Hariers in the 80´s, so we spent a while ´sitting on our collective old sandbags´for an hour or so. He also told me which local estate agentsand lawyers to avoid as he had some real horror stories!

I am off to get Dave´s Anson, I got the update and to my horror had managed to delete the original from my HD, whilst still in the UK :redface:

Enjoy the Summer, if the cash runs out, maybe you can have a whip round for me, to keep the sun shining in blighty. :lol:

Posted: 25 Jul 2006, 12:31
by DelP
Hi Trev,

Good to hear from you muchacho...

Don't forget that 'culture shock' is real and will affect your attitude..stick with it amigo..

Derek :wink: