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FlyNET induced failure??

Posted: 22 Jul 2006, 14:46
by DaveB
Hi Guy's,

After some 200-odd flights, I think I might have just sufferred my first failure..


This is how I ended up coming into Shannon :shock: First, engine 3 cut and as I was doing my cool, calm, headless chicken routine trying to start it.. engine 4 died :curse: I did manage to relight engine 3 as you can see but No.4 refused to light. Surprising just how much 3 big props will fight to keep you off the centreline!! :wink: Anyway.. I got it down with a slightly heavy landing (99fpm) but down I got and at the scheduled airport so all was well.
Having a quick natter to John, he wondered if it were 'sim' induced (eg.. a fuel starvation problem as can happen with the Viscount) but I've flown this particular route with the same fuel (7300kg) out of Manchester on numerous occassions and this is the first time it's happened. It cannot be a similar prob to the Viscount as I rarely take much more than this fuel onboard for any flight and I'd need to load up in excess of 11548kg before the outer tanks started taking fuel. I generally land with around 4tonnes remaining (in case of emergencies e t c) and shutdown at Shannon was no different.. 4210kg onboard.

So.. is this beware fellow simmers or has my pc just had a bad day??


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 22 Jul 2006, 14:53
by Garry Russell

Maybe you were just short of Tyne engine about 20 gals :think:



Posted: 22 Jul 2006, 16:02
by petermcleland
I would have liked to have seen that big prop more feathered Dave :roll:

Posted: 22 Jul 2006, 16:08
by Viscount Cornbank
It happened to me on a Viscount after about 10 flights, but hasn't happened since. It was an inboard (No2 I think) at the top of climb.

I have just started work on updating the Vanguard panel :roll:

Don't suppose Castrol 98 is on too many forecourts I'm afraid :lol:


Posted: 22 Jul 2006, 18:06
by DaveB
:lol: :lol:

Come to think of it Peter, that prop could have done with being a little more feathered. I'd just got No.3 started and quickly took this shot as a fond farewell (incase 1 and 2 decided to join the club too!!). I had hit the feather button so perhaps the blades don't go fine on this model. It is an old one afterall :wink:

As it happened, my friendly engineer's over at Shannon got me sorted and the return flight went without incident towit, I've legged it from Manchester in the Dove to pick up a Viscount flight (probably tomorrow). I hope to goodness nothing goes wrong in that as there are far too many switches to hit!! :lol:

The 20Galls of Castrol 98 will still be much appreciated if a kind benefactor can be found. Some was to be supplied from a source at LHR but it has yet to materialise :sad: Oddly enough, the thing they are usually short of (fuel) is in plentiful supply :roll: :think:

Btw Fraser.. I'd just started my descent when this happened. Never any thought of a diversion though had I not been able to restart No.3.. (with No.4 stopped).. there'd have definately been a change of underwear :lol:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 22 Jul 2006, 18:19
by RAF_Quantum
Hi Dave,

Definately a FlyNET induced failure, as the rep was down to 111 immediately after your flight - we'll soon have it back to 120*. Interesting that you lost no.3 first then no4 and managed to restart no.3 as I didn't think you could restart a FlyNET failed engine.



*edit, just checked and rep back to 120 already, well done chaps

Posted: 22 Jul 2006, 21:02
by DaveB
RGr that John,

Might it be that FlyNET had difficulty shutting one engine so shut one side down, killing one engine but letting the other restart?? :think: I dunno!! :lol:

I don't think it's particularly fair that the airline got punished for the failure. OK.. if we ran our fleet into the ground and they were poorly maintained, then fine but we don't. EP was on 97.6% at takeoff.. not exactly dripping oil or with panels popping rivets!! :roll:

Ah well.. let's hope that's the last for another 200-odd flights :wink:

Well done to the boys for getting our reputation back up sharpish too :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 23 Jul 2006, 11:53
by DaveB

As a by the way.. I had another look at the Vanguard's props last night and as I guessed, they're not animated for pitch :wink: I don't think Rick had mastered this until the HP Herald :rock:

If you're looking in Rick.. a bit of your 748 wizardry would be most welcome on the Herald. We have a pile of em on the books for the VA already but sensibly no one has dared to take one up. I had a quick run in one and found it would be luck rather than judgement to get away with not coming away from each flight with a 25kt speeding fine :shock: and... Fraser might let us loose on his revised panel :shock: :-# :-$

Talking of revised panels Fraser.. am keen to know what updates you're working on for the Vanguard :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 23 Jul 2006, 12:36
by Rick Piper
Hi Matey

Yep i will do some work on the Herald but lying low till FSX is out or at least the sdk so i don't waste 6 months work on stuff that won't work.

Beta forum seems to have died a death as i'm still waiting for Leif to answer the last question i posted on the Andover test section.
(Waited about 5 weeks for answer so far) :dunno:

Working hard making ferries and ports for the English Channel
& populating all the routes with my own new custon ferry models.

Been previewing it on VisualFlight's forum but nobody here seems to have noticed :doh:


Posted: 23 Jul 2006, 14:18
by DaveB
:shock: :shock:

Rgr that mate and thanks for your response :wink: I'm guessing that all stuff made to the latest GMAX/FSDS3 standard will work without a problem in the new sim but we've heard that so many times before haven't we :-# :shock: :think: :doh:

Then of course, there'll be the updated Vanguard and Viscount with moving props (pitch).. full VC's.. animated doors/hatches.. :shock: :redface: :tuttut: :-$ :k: :think: :dunno: :crying: :poke:

:lol: :lol:


DaveB :tab: