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Carenado for something different??

Posted: 28 Jul 2006, 22:53
by DaveB
Hi Guy's,

I know there are a lot of you on here who like their GA so I thought I'd post a few shots of this little tinker.. the Carenado Cessna 206G Stationair. I'm not sure how long it's been out so I apologise if it's old hat :smile:


You get all this and more for a little over £16. Models with and without wheel boots, a couple of float versions and a couple of cargo versions plus numerous paints. Now all I need is for some kind soul to paint me up one of each with a UK reg!! :lol:

edit.. I'm sure I took one of the VC(which is excellent) but can't see it there! Maybe I didn't after all :think:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 29 Jul 2006, 02:54
by david balmer

here you go dave,downloaded this little bute the other day and then went back for the 182Q. this is the only UK reg aircraft to date. find on avsim. there are a couple of canadian transport's as well. lovely flying and looks great.

Posted: 29 Jul 2006, 09:10
by Reheat

I also have this aircraft, its absolutely stunning. I have 6 logged hours on a, real, Stationair and I must say that this is the most realistic flight model representation I have ever come across in Flight Sim.

It flies exactly by the books and I always use my checklist when flying her. On its release myself and another aviator friend went through together and put her through her paces, couldn't find anything in the POH that it couldn't do.

If you can fly this by the book then you can fly the real thing, that is how good it is.

Well worth the money!

I've been waiting for some UK repaints too - however, as has been pointed out, the only one available is the most boring scheme ever!


Posted: 29 Jul 2006, 09:33
The attention to detail on their models is nothing short of stunning. I thought the Just Flight Flying club aircraft were good until I saw these.

I am a big fan of Carenado's work and think you boys have just convinced me to get the plastic out!

Oh well thats me in the dog house from Mrs Vegas! :argue:


PS - What are they like on FPS? :think:

Posted: 29 Jul 2006, 09:36
by Charlie Bravo
I've got 3 of their aircraft....

T34 Mentor
Cessna U206G
Piper Cherokee

All very impressive and good for a quick 20 min jaunt.

Posted: 29 Jul 2006, 11:43
by DaveB
Their Cherokee is a little beaut isn't it CB :wink:

You know DB.. I thought someone had posted shots of a 206 recently and seeing that, the penny dropped :lol:

Eddie.. It doesn't have the bells and whistles avionics of what you might be used to but that makes it all the more attractive to me. As Alex has said (and he has experience of the real thing) the model is an absolute delight to fly and does give a very 'real feeling'. Quality is what you would expect from Carenado and the selection of model variations you get for your dollar makes it a worthy purchase. Coincidental, but someone posted about the AVSIM awards up in CBFS and I saw this pack while voting. Pity it's in the same list as the CS130 but I gave the 206 my vote as I'm certain I'll use it a darned site more than the C130 and it's excellent VFM :wink:

My affinity with the 206 is an odd one. It's the only aircraft I've ever taken off in (6 times) but never landed in!! :lol: This was courtesy of a fortnight with the JSATC at Weston on the Green/Brize learning to parachute with the RAF :wink:

[edit] Eddie.. believe it or not, there are NO frame hits. This thing looks like a million dollars but gives the same visual performance as a default Cessna :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 29 Jul 2006, 17:50
by david balmer
if you head over to the gallery, it was me that posted some pictures two weeks ago. " some thing for the weekend sir". john payne posted real pictures of the float plane on the same thread. WOW did it look good.
then the better half got me, i could not help myself and got the cessna 182Q. they have to be the best looking and handeling aircraft in my hanger for GA aircraft. the default microsoft just don't realy give the inpression of sitting in a real aircraft.

Posted: 30 Jul 2006, 11:17
by Angus
All of Carenado's stuff looks nice, I'm just waiting for them to make a C150/152 (maybe for FSX) - they made one for FS2000/2002 but sadly it didn't get updated for FS2004.

Posted: 30 Jul 2006, 11:35
by Reheat

Mind giving me a quick rundown on the 182Q?

From the Carenado website the panel doesnt look as destinct and well presented as the other models.

Howver, one thing I have noticed is that they really don't sell their aircraft as well as they could - always seem to understate them on their website.

I'd value your opinion :)


I think I read somewhere that the reason they didn't update the 152 was that another was in the works. I'm hoping so as most of my flying lessons were on a 152 (as with most people these days)
However in the meantime the stationair is doing me just fine - as in real life it flies just like a slightly more heavy, more powerful 152 - The weight drags down the top speed so gives it the same feel...just like all Cessna family aircraft.


Posted: 30 Jul 2006, 12:12
by DaveB
Alex.. a quick question if I may.

I had a dive into the manual(s) with the intention of burning them off.. until I saw how many there were! :lol: That aside, reading the checklists it states at one point.. fuel switches-BOTH. Now.. it's possible I've lost the plot but there is only one tank selector switch which has 3 posn's.. left, off and right.
Next ref to the fuel switch is - FULLER TANK. Forgive the rather obvious next question (the actual question that is) but I rarely fly these things for long enough to have any sort of fuel prob but am I right in thinking that you have to continually switch from left to right and back throughout the flight to negate any fuel imbalance?? By continually.. I don't mean you sit there flicking the switch backwards and forwards, more you monitor fuel useage.. let the fuel drop to a certain level in one tank then switch to the opposite tank so that you can remain in trim/balance for the duration of the flight.


DaveB :tab: