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Airfix Finished?

Posted: 31 Aug 2006, 11:18
by Garry Russell
News is coming in that Airfix have ceased trading

All the staff have been laid off

It appears to be a result of Airfix product going into receivership in France earlier in the year and the French refusing to hand over moulds to enable production to continue.

I hope something gets sorted and it can come back to the UK

It is one of the great British Institutions....or world renowned company and a byword for model kits.


Posted: 31 Aug 2006, 13:02
by TobyV
Airfix itself is a subsidiary of Heller-Humbrol (now known purely as Humbrol I think), didnt know there were any French connections to the company :think:

If this is true, it will be very sad, but possibly not too surprising - I dont think plastic kits are anywhere near as popular as computer games or other more modern hobbies (such as sitting behind the TV drinking booze and watching trash :roll: ). I remember buying a kit a few years ago from SMC and the guy behind the till calling out sarcastically to one of the other people working in the shop "Look, I am selling a plastic kit!".

Posted: 31 Aug 2006, 13:11
by simtrac
They went bust once before didn't they? Hopefully someone will buy the Airfix brand - I am sure there is still a specialist niche market out there, just that it won't be Woolies and the high st. like in my day.

Still remember building that Halifax - bought Saturday am in the newsagents, finished by teatime!

Re: Airfix Finished?

Posted: 31 Aug 2006, 13:13
by Hot_Charlie
Garry Russell wrote: It appears to be a result of Airfix product going into receivership in France earlier in the year and the French refusing to hand over moulds to enable production to continue.
Apparently it's Heller who went into receivership earlier in the year - it appears they made airfix's line alongside their own Heller brand...

Posted: 31 Aug 2006, 13:22
by TobyV
BBC News wrote:Humbrol is the principal trading business of the Hobby Products Group Ltd, which is also in administration.

The administrators said the group turnover was approximately £10m a year, and other brand names owned by the group include Plasticine, Supercast and Young Scientist.

Posted: 31 Aug 2006, 17:37
by Garry Russell
The French side went in to recievership earlier (Airfix Products) seperate to Airfix in the UK

Airfix went bust in their own right a few years ago and later went bust again as part of Palatoy.


Posted: 31 Aug 2006, 20:01
by FlyTexas
Very sad news indeed. :sad: I credit Airfix for introducing this American to many British aircraft. Never saw many VC-10's flying out of Dallas. :lol:


Posted: 31 Aug 2006, 21:05
by simtrac
Just got me a Trident and a 1-11 before they get too rare :dance:

Posted: 31 Aug 2006, 21:26
by DispatchDragon

(Shameless Plug here) You might want to wander across the road to Robs place and see the excellent piece that a certain
Gentleman of Puns just published in the newly opened model section there
on Airfix's BAC1-11


Posted: 31 Aug 2006, 22:12
by simtrac
Leif - yes I saw it a day or so ago and that's what prompted me to have a look and see what they'd got on ebay - plenty of 1-11's and Tridents around so I thought I'd get a couple one of these days. Today's news gave me the boot I needed - knowing my luck, by the time I got around to buying them, they'd be as rare as hens teeth or 50 quid a throw! Haven't done any modelling for years now ...

There's a decal manufacturer (forget which now) producing BEA decals for both models, so that's my plan

Just best make sure they don't go in the loft with the rest and actually get built (or is that a bad investment decision??) :lol: