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Still on sick roster!

Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 15:28
by robbie
Hi all,
after a very busy summer I've been looking forward to some flying time,
but alas it was not to be!, my horse stumbled and fell over on top of me and to make it worse, when he got up he stood on my groin and hip!, ouch... he weighs just over 2,000 lbs. 3 days in hostpital and another week bed ridden, but at least nothing broken.
I noticed that some more dc3 routes were being added,so I wanted to ask if anyone could suggest a good dak free ware that I could use? the default is a bit.. um basic!.

who's about it DaveB, you must have sneaked a good one in??


Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 15:37
by Garry Russell
Sorryto here this Robbie

Lucky no real damage but ouch :crying:

Hope you make a speedy recovery

As far as I know ther is no good freeware Dak for FS9,I can't think of any freeware Dak apart from the default which is why I think the MAAM is being run by some in the VA


Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 16:20
by robbie
Thanks Garry,
Perhaps if I howl loud enough, "she who will be obeyed" will come in from doing my chores, he, he, and authorise a get well pressie!! hmm good plan.
I've noticed a strange look on her face, when she saw all my "man bits" were double size and totally black, trying to explain that it's not permanent isn't easy!!.


Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 16:32
by Garry Russell
Next thing you'll tell us they suggest ice pack...but the freezer mysteriously gone on the blink.


Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 16:53
by DaveB
Hi Robbie,

Sri to hear of your woes but glad you're on the mend :wink:

These should be a lot of fun to get around in but I find em as interesting as watching mould grow matey!! However, it would be remiss of any Fleet Manager not to keep his (or her) hand in so this I do. New routes are planned for the old girl and this should go a long way to getting my interest back.

There are only two variations out there so your choice is somewhat limited.. the default or the payware MaaM model. Everything about the MaaM version is head and shoulders over the M$ model but I dislike the 2D panel enough not to fly it!! VC on the latest version is great (if you like that sort of thing) but I don't.
The M$ model has a lot going for it in that its free and there are a number of DC3 FD's and panel variations available from various sources.. have a look on .. a good place to start. Downside is that the texture map is 100% pure pony so the majority of paints available are not accurate. The MaaM model has zillions of paints available though these are mostly of foreign origin. That said.. there is a nice (old style.. not current) Air Atlantique by Chas Cozens and a stunning BEA done by Mark Beaumont. Decent paints for the M$ model are few though there is a reasonable 'current' G-AMPY and 2 done by Garry Russell.. Intra and Channel Islands :wink:

In all honesty, I don't think the modified FD for the M$ model is the doggies it's made out to be but it is certainly better than the default :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 21:06
by RAF_Quantum
Hi Robbie,

Get well soon matey.




Hi Dave,

I know that there are several 'updated/improved' FDE's out there for the stock DC3 and wondered if you'd tried this one :-

"" from Sim-Outhouse.

It's the one I use and I quite like it ... ileID=1028



Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 21:19
by DaveB
Tks John. :wink:

I have a feeling you have steered me in this direction before but having tried so many (including this one) I honestly couldn't say if it's the one I'm currently using :roll: I've downloaded it anyway (again) and will give it a run. Don't want to spend too much time in the DC3 mind you.. not with a couple of new aquisitions on the way :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 21:32
by RAF_Quantum
DaveB wrote: Don't want to spend too much time in the DC3 mind you.. not with a couple of new aquisitions on the way :wink:


DaveB :tab:
:shock: 6 de-merits and 3 hail Mary's. I've spent most of the day compiling the additional DC3 routes and you HAVE to route prove every single one of them before you fly any new types. Have no fear there are only @ 200 and the longest sector is only six hours. Should keep you busy and make you extremely proficient in the Dak.



Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 21:35
by RAF_Quantum

If you have got or are going to try that particulare FDE then you'll need to reposition the lights.

Known 'bug' :-

In altering the aircraft weight and balance, the reference datum point for measurements was changed. Unfortunately, the positions of the lights were left as per original datum point. To fix this, replace the section [lights] in the aircraft.cfg file with the text below :-

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
light.0 = 3, -7.95, -46.3, 0.65, fx_navredm ,
light.1 = 3, -7.95, 46.3, 0.65, fx_navgrem ,
light.2 = 3, -44.75, 0.00, 2.72, fx_navwhi ,
light.3 = 1, -17.55, 0.00, 6.15, fx_beaconh ,
light.4 = 4, 13.25, 0.00, 1.80, fx_vclight,
light.5 = 4, -13.75, 0.00, 4.20, fx_vclighth,

Your nav lights etc will now be in their correct positions.



Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 22:00
by DaveB
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I have definately used it before John as I remember the lighting fix. Fear not.. if the new routes are available, I shall stay a while longer and try a few. I get nervous when I leave anything unattended for too long and VC9 AYFN is currently off station at Jer waiting to be nabbed :shock: I know it should be safe as it IS off station but you never know!! :think:
That said.. I know Fraser is a regular at Jersey in the Viscount and should he feel like taking her for a run out.. I'd not mind (just let me know) :wink:

Btw John.. 6hrs in a Dak aint gonna happen, not by me anyway :lol:


DaveB :tab: