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Captainsim working on a beta Space shuttle for FSX!!!

Posted: 08 Nov 2006, 23:54
by Chris Sykes
Heres the link to the said product which is undergoing beta testing...

Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 00:11
by DaveB
:lol: :lol:

Nice one Chris. If it's gestation period is similar to the C130.. it should be just about ready for FSXI.. if it ever gets that far :roll:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 02:02
by Chris Trott
I wish they'd spend their time putting out the 727 Patch they've promised for 3 years and not produced and the FSX updates for their existing products instead of working on some new project.

I wonder where these people learned how to operate a business....

Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 02:36
by Chris Sykes
then read this.... kinda explains the reasons why (money prob has alot to do with it)

Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 20:55
by Chris Trott
Well, considering that the 727 and C-130 updates were promised to be on the "front burner" for quite some time, the fact that they haven't released them (even though many of the changes are to EXTERNAL stuff that was screwed up more than the internals) I still don't agree with them doing new projects like the Space Shuttle instead of devoting more manpower and time to getting out the updates they've promised including giving release dates and not updating the community when they continually miss those dates yet come out saying "look at this new project we're working on".

Sorry, I don't care what their excuse is. They promised updates and patches, not new products. When they then say "oh look at what we've been working on" then guess what - their customers (who paid them plenty for what they received) get pissed off that they apparently have time for new projects instead of fixing the ones they've already released. It's perception, not reality I'm talking about. It's the basis of marketing - perception is more powerful than reality. CaptainSim's customers perceive that they don't care about current users because they are talking about all of these new products while others, which they've promised updates on continue to not have those updates.

Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 22:36
by airboatr
Chris Trott wrote: Sorry, I don't care what their excuse is. They promised updates and patches, not new products. When they then say "oh look at what we've been working on" then guess what - their customers (who paid them plenty for what they received) get pissed off that they apparently have time for new projects instead of fixing the ones they've already released. It's perception, not reality I'm talking about. It's the basis of marketing - perception is more powerful than reality. CaptainSim's customers perceive that they don't care about current users because they are talking about all of these new products while others, which they've promised updates on continue to not have those updates.
:think: :doh: :doh: :doh: :huf:
I did promise ....
right then :-#
Chris Trott wrote:From the FSX FAQ that some of the ACES team has put together -
A: In short, no. In long, we make a very special effort to make sure the default experience on your machine for Flight Simulator X right out of the box is equivalent to FS2004, with a lot more going on. As an example, on my machine in FS2004, I can slide the autogen slider all the way to the right and get great performance. In FSX, I can slide it somewhere in the middle and get great performance. This would at first blush seem like FSX is performing worse than FS2004. The reality is that the highest setting of Autogen in FS2004 meant that 600 objects per kilometer are being rendered. In FSX, the highest setting means that 6000 objects are being rendered. So even at the mid point in FSX, you're likely getting twice the autogen density as you were in FS2004. Additionally, you may be rendering living world traffic in the form of boats, cars on roads and vehicles at airports which didn't even exist in FS2004. Also, if you're running a 2.0 shader card or better, you're also rendering full per-pixel shaders with normal maps, specular and reflection that you weren't rendering in FS2004. Plus, you're not getting "the blurries" like you were in FS2004 and you're rendering full 1 meter per-pixel resolution terrain textures which were at 5 meters per-pixel in FS2004 (and were still not loading in fast enough).
Consider what he's saying here. In FSX, there are literally (at default settings) 10 Times more objects when your sliders are all the way left compared to FS9, and that's just Autogen. So, no, you're not going to get the same performance with FSX that you get with FS9, you've just asked your CPU to process 100 times more data than it was before. That is doesn't stop your computer altogether means that they did it at least partly right. :smile:
MS is exempt...... :tuttut:

Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 22:39
by Captain Pugwash
count me as one of those very disgruntled customers of CS, here was the 757 plastered all over the place and how great it will be. well i was taken in by there sales pitch and avsim, then found myself with a product that looks great, fly wonderful but where is the bloody gauges for the cockpit.
no gpws or anything that resembles a full working aircraft. thats one reason i have hit myself over the head with a black pudding and seen the light. i've gone back to my beloved BRITISH FREEWARE Very good looking and real cockpits with real gauges.
make's you wonder who can you realy trust out there in flightsim land.

Posted: 10 Nov 2006, 01:22
by Chris Trott
airboatr wrote:MS is exempt...... :tuttut:
No, M$ isn't exempt. The COMMUNITY made promises and attributed them to ACES even though ACES never said anything of the sort.

Posted: 13 Nov 2006, 15:48
by Stanley130
Nice shots of Shuttle, looks like this one will be great addition to my hangar.
Chris Trott wrote:Well, considering that the 727 and C-130 updates were promised to be on the "front burner" for quite some time, the fact that they haven't released them
Don't know about you but I have downloaded my free FSX updates to 757 two weeks ago :)

Posted: 13 Nov 2006, 17:51
by Chris Trott
I said 727 and C-130. Those are the two ones they promised pre-FSX updates for and still haven't delivered and where the major problem is for them (try looking at the forums on occasion, if you're lucky, you'll see some of the threads asking where the updates are that were promised 6 months ago and beyond before the CS team deletes them).