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Can't book flight

Posted: 25 Nov 2006, 13:07
by Effoh

I'm currently at EGLL. When I try to book a flight the web page hangs with a loading error. I have tried Firefox and IE7, but have had no luck for the last 2 days.

Anyone else having a problem booking flights?



Posted: 25 Nov 2006, 13:09
by fighterpilot
working ok for me

Posted: 25 Nov 2006, 13:10
by DanKH
yup. no problems here as well..just gave it a try....

Posted: 25 Nov 2006, 13:18
by Effoh

Thanks guys

EDIT: FlyNet site down as of 1322

Posted: 25 Nov 2006, 13:26
by RAF_Quantum
Hi Colin,

No probs this end with me. FlyNET a bit up and down like a yo-yo at the minute but is back as I type this.



Posted: 25 Nov 2006, 13:29
by Effoh
Thanks John - can now get back onto the website but it still won't display the Heathrow flights page :dunno:


Finally! Flight booked!



Posted: 25 Nov 2006, 14:53
by ivanT3
Hi guy's

Yesterday early evening, I had the Client hang on me after booking a flight. This is a different problem it sound's like though. I restarted my machine and all went well....... Just reporting in.


Posted: 25 Nov 2006, 14:57
by DaveB
Hi Ivan..

I've had the same problem for the last couple of days. First the 'book flight' page took ages to load then only gave me the top line then I started getting 'internal server errors'. Most frustrating mate.. especially if you're on limited time and need to get up and away but there seems little we can do about it. Just keep plugging away until you get in :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 25 Nov 2006, 15:10
by Effoh
Sounds like you and I have had the same problem DB.
DaveB wrote:Just keep plugging away until you get in :wink:


DaveB :tab:
Good advice for most things in life :wink:



Posted: 25 Nov 2006, 15:26
by DaveB
Sri Colin.. thought it was Ivan who'd made the original post.

Just as a follow on to your post.. I've just tried to get on to book a flight and I can't get in either. I eventually got the dreaded ERROR500.. Internal Server Error page :roll:

Is it possible do you think that with FlyNET's increased use over the last couple of weeks where there are usually at least 5 or 6 flights active and over a dozen booked, that Konny's server can't handle the amount of traffic it's getting??? :think: This sure is a pain in the butt as time for me is short during the day.. if I could get in now, there's a chance I could do the outbound and return before I have to start work again but as time slips by with a 'non-loading' book flight page and Error 500.. the chances become much less :sad:


DaveB :tab: