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micro flight simulator

Posted: 30 Dec 2006, 13:10
by hinch
just for people who haven't seen it/aren't getting good FSX performance/fancy something new check this out:

there is a demo availible and i've been enjoying it a lot! graphically it is very smooth but not as detailed as MS flight sim. autogen scenery is better looking as is the water. runways and airports look nice but aren't too realistic.

flight dynamics are nice, i like them. weather has no effect on fps and they all look pretty good.

planes are nice, the stock planes are basic but feature model built gauges and there seems to be an awesome community with a fair few good free add-ons (put some in the demo :lol:). the sound is a bit rough but has some nifty touches.

the main reason i bring it up though is it features some seen in FSX such as birds, head latency, reflective water with a £12 price tag. the interface is all pretty neat and it's much more 'economical' than M$ it also features combat, missions, gliders with visual thermals and all sorts of airborne crafts and trees that sway according to wind speed :wink:

it's no MSFS replacement (i don't think yet anyhoo; it could happen! it seems very easy to modify) but on a laptop or back bedroom PC this would be awesome.
