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Goodbye to a friendly rodent

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 04:37
by thehappyotter
I've had my mouse for, I reckon, at least 12 years. It came with my 166 Pentium PC and has been my friend ever since.

He's done me proud, seen off competition from many a new and flash infra-red, battery operated rodent which last all of five miniutes. He just shrugged them off as a gimmick, his reliable and dependable rubber coated ball no match for a trendy red light.

Time and time again I end up using my trusty Microsoft mouse after the competition broke down, a mouse which probably has more miles across the numerous pads it's seen than my car has on it's clock.

The time has come to give my trusty mouse some peace, a nice retirement at the back of a cosy warm drawer.

What do people here recommend as a worthy replacement for my trusty old mouse.

I think i'll call him Fred...


Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 04:57
by Garry Russell
Blimey Rob.

I go through about three mice (mouses?) a year :sad:


Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 05:04
by thehappyotter
I've had plenty of others too.

Every time I get a new one, I use it for a couple of months and it breaks, I always end up going back to trusty Fred again and again.

He needs a fitting replacement.

The last one I had was a wireless Microsoft Intellimouse or something. It lasted about two weeks before the batteries leaked a horrible rusty goo all over the place.

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 05:14
by Garry Russell
That's like my back up keyboard I got from work years ago

Many modern keyboards have come and broken down but they old one just keeps going and going :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 09:37
by kit
Keyboards? Don't talk about keyboards please. :roll:

Why can't anyone make one with letters that DON'T wear out? I get through at least two each year simply because I don't touch type and when the letters are gone I write in Hungarian........ :k:

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 10:18
by Quixoticish
I've been using a Logitech MX-510 for the past four years now and it's still going strong. (Not a fan of wireless mice). ... ENTID=7982

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 11:54
by DaveB
They don't make em like they used to do they Rob. My fave mouse is still an old M$ PS2 model and is built like the proverbial brick outhouse. I'd still be using it now were it not for the fact it doesn't have a wheel :sad:

I've tried various replacements but have stuck with an M$ Optical Wheel Mouse.. probably the one you don't like with the red light instead of a rubber ball. It's not as fast as my old mouse but I've found it totally reliable. Bought one for the wifey and one for the daughter too and if they can't break them.. it says a lot :lol:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 13:58
by jonesey2k
Heh we used to have the same ones in school. We used em as conkers and put blu-tac on the ball. They still worked! :lol:

Another vote for the MX-510, probs the best mouse Ive ever used.

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 18:18
by Nigel H-J
I've had my mouse for nearly seven years and it's still going strong, did try one of those new fangled gadgets that they call a cordless mouse but was using up an unbelievable amount of batteries just to keep it going!!

Now I'm back with my trusty mouse and that's the way it will stay.

Posted: 18 Mar 2007, 11:08
by JimCooper
I know this is CLASSIC flight sim ...didn't realise it extended to PC hardware as well!!
I remember my first Mouse it had an ash frame was covered in doped canvas and the insides were operated by cables and puleys.
I eventually replaced it with a hydraulic version and then reluctantly transfered to electric actuators. I suppose the day will come when I'll have to move to a 'scroll-by-wire' version.

Seriously though. I have one of these and it is is a really good mouse.... the G7 ... NTID=10716
It comes with a mobile phone style battery and a spare which is always on charge. So as soon as the battery fails you do a hot swap.
Ergonomically its very comfortable and very accurate.

