Recently, FlyNET had a purge of old/unused accounts and deleted all accounts where the user had not logged onto FlyNET in the preceeding 90 days. There is nothing to say that this may or may not happen again with or without due notice. The 'Management' at CBFS VA will NOT badger you to fly, we leave it down to you to enjoy this hobby and fly with the VA whenever the whim takes you. That said, we assume you have joined the VA to fly and not be someone that just kicks their heels in the crew room, so we welcome your participation in our flight operations. If you wish for FlyNET to keep your user account open then it is in your interest to log on to FlyNET on a regular basis and hopefully you may have the urge to partake of a flight whilst you are there.
As of 18th May 2007, FlyNET are running this script on a daily basis. Users who have not logged in within last 60 days should get a reminder email and users who have not logged on within last 90 days will have their FlyNET accounts deleted.