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Post by Sl4yer »

I've got my VFR scenery on an otherwise empty drive, formatted yesterday in 64K clusters (following Ben's idea). All in one folder too, which is supposed to help. It's running like a dog now! I think something else is going on...


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Post by TSR2 »

What do you mean all in one folder?

I've tried 64k tonight for the first, but I would suggest 16k (as I did last night) as many systems may not like the 64k block sizes.


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Post by Sl4yer »

It's the same trick as with the previous generation of VFR scenery. Putting all the files from all the volumes together in one folder, as close to the root as possible, is supposed to speed up access and loading times. Can't say I've noticed myself.

Have a look here:

http://www.horizonsimulation.com/forums ... torder=asc


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Post by DaveB »

Hi Ben,

It's a Radeon Sapphire x700pro (128mb). TonyM suggested that a card with at least 256mb would be better suited but I ain't got one so am making do :roll:

The drive could run quicker but as the mobo (Asus A7NX8-E Deluxe) is only SATA1, I've had to restrict it to 150mbs from it's native 300mbs (jumper 5+6). Quicker is the wrong word really as the spin speed is still the same as is the cache at 16mb but you see what I mean.

The flying pc has 1.28gb of DDR333. I did put 1gb of DDR400 in it to start off with but that ended up in this pc for some reason :think: I've toyed with the idea of throwing 2gb of PC2100 into it but didn't fancy using the slower ram even though there's twice as much :roll:

I dunno mate. My days of having the cover off tinkering every week have long gone, replaced by 'if it aint broke, don't fix it'. The much talked about FSX patch may address many of the problems as it did with FS9 so I'm hopeful of greater things with it's release :wink:

James.. I didn't realise the 'All-in-one' solution applied to GenX too :crying:


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Post by DanKH »

I've started to implement some AI traffic in FSX, and I can recommend World Of AI.

They have developed an installer that works for both FS9 and FSX.

High quality aircraft, and for all that I know high quality schedules.

Mind though that these at modern airliners and recent schedules.

But as easy to install as the old PAI-traffic, and they are very pleasant to look at in FSX.

No manual installation required, unless you want. then there is a possibility to do that as well. Very nice :thumbsup:

Unfortunately Scandinavian isn't present yet, but BAW is. amongst several others.

So if you don't want the default traffic to show go to visit:

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Post by ianhind »


Not sure whether your 1.28Gb of RAM is helping. Can't quite figure out from your motherboard manual how the "dual-channel" memory works (downloaded the "international" version so French/German, etc :think:), but it is usually pairs of RAM sticks. I'm guessing that you have more than 2 sticks in there which may not be as efficient.

Anyone know different?? :dunno:


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Post by DaveB »

Hi Ian,

I've reformatted the 500gig drive to 16k and copied FSX/GenX back and in all honesty, I can't see any difference :roll: GenX in particular runs no better giving me a low of 1.6fps during some stutters.. FSX out of GenX areas runs about the same as it did before, certainly no worse. A useful exercise in seeing a few hours pass by if nothing else :lol:

The 1.28gb or ram is slightly odd being 2x512 in banks 1 and 2 and the odd 256 living in bank 0. The 2 512's are not posh Corsair type stuff either though they are the same and the system dual-channels. Oddly enough, the 2x512 Crucial DDR400's I have in this pc don't report dual channel.. perhaps because bank 0 is empty? Anyway.. that's by the by.

Perhaps its a combination of the not-so-punchy XP3200 and only 128mb on my X700pro that's the cause. Whatever, FSX runs at an acceptable level on it's own. Just a shame that GenX makes it run worse :sad:


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Post by Sl4yer »


I've been having a little experiment, and the following works OK for me:

ATI / Catalyst options: All OFF, except AA - set to 6x

In FSX: Filtering to Anisotropic, everything else as per Horizon's settings. AA definitely off!

I get between 14-18 FPS around Manchester in Rick's lovely Chippy. Looks fairly smooth and OK. I'm running a 9600XT, so your X700 should be better (probably even with less memory). Check your AGP aperture is set as high as possible too.

I've seen a tweak to turn off PS2.0 effects - that's the next port of call. Might help on the early DX9 cards.


PS. PS2 tweak had no effect here - another red herring!

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Post by DaveB »

Hi James,

Tks for that :wink: I'm a little concerned that the necessary tweaks might naff up my FS9 install but of course, it's easy to move them back again :smile:


DaveB :tab:
Old sailors never die.. they just smell that way!

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