Alpha Sea Venom Out Now!!

If you have a payware prog whether it be a model, scenery or utility that you have tried.. tell us about it here.

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Post by d0mokun »

The true FSX models will appear as they should with all the right formatting.. but the ports slip through my hands. It's something I'll have to discuss with Phil over a cuppa tomorrow night ;)


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Post by DaveB »

Hi Dan :smile:

Make sure he takes his wallet if you go out :lol:

It's not a major prob by any means.. more an observation. I'm sure the 'Aphasim Ltd' was no more than a typo (the L is missing for those who've read and presumed it was there) on the Harvard and the model itself conforms to the new manufacturer labelling (eg.. it can be found under North American). With the Vampire and Hampden (both true FSX models).. they probably ended up as ALPHA due to force of habit as I'm pretty sure the Harvard came out before either.

No big deal, no dummy out of the pram.. just something for whoever does the final check before release to be aware of :wink: I don't mind the older models staying as is as I know where to find them :lol:


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Post by PushinPolys »

There is a small tech issue with the Kuz Ski Jump in FSX other than that and changing the textures on the scenery to DXT1 it will work in FSX including the custom animation etc. I have been busy with the Kiev and it's battle group along with the Eagle and about 8 other aircraft projects to spend to much time on solving the issue and Abacus are dragging their heels over the update for FSDS (if it ever happens) so I might have to spend about £600.00 on a special coversion program that will allow me to use FSDS models in 3DSM or GWAX and not lose the texture or animation details and maps. Need a lot of sales to recoup that though and who thinks payware pays? :smile: The Eagle and the Kiev and other carriers that I have not put forward yet will work in FSX thanks to Bob (AS LIGHTNING) BTW if you like classic Brit stuff you will be in for a treat in a few weeks or so but it will cost :smile: but you always have the freeware alternatives. Anyone who actually models stuff will know the time spent on doing a project and as I work virtually alone on the models I do and it takes up about 60+ hours a week so I do not think a small fee for the effort is un-reasonable and you always have the choice of not to purchase :smile:
I will post a few shots of the Eagle and Kiev on the Alpha forums in a couple of days if you want a peek.
B.T.W. While we are on the subject of models what is the opinion of the forum on what has not or should be done as a project? Anybody has a must have?

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Post by d0mokun »

Aha, Hampden and Vamp AREN'T true models just yet. I grabbed them from Phils house last week. Vamp needs a good going over.. might adjust the Admiral blue too.. ;)


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Post by DaveB »

Well Dan.. I go to the foot of our stairs!! :lol: You're not selling stuff under false pretences over there are you!! :lol:

Tks for that :wink: As to what project do we think should be done.. there are far too many for me to even contemplate listing. I'm sure you'll get a sack full of replies mind you :lol: Better get a pencil with plenty of lead!! :wink:

What it is with that 3-wire link :roll: I've registered on the site and all I get when I hit that link is the welcome page :dunno: I sign on and it says 'Welcome DaveB' e t c blurb blurb blurb but I never get much further. I can upload 250gig (or was that 25gig) of stuff but download a single file.. err, no :roll:


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Post by d0mokun »

Aha, the models are sold as perfecto-worky-mondo FSX models, which they are. Soon to be bona fide full fsx models, of course.

Dan. :kissu:

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Post by Trev Clark »

Dave, yes I had a look at that and gave up the will to live! I think the website has had a major re-fit since the file was uploaded. They say to check in 'old files' at top of the page. Do you have this?

perfecto-worky-mondo FSX models
Oh heck, I think Dan has gone native already :lol: :roll:
ATB Trev

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Post by DaveB »

Yes Trev.. I have the old files tab. Can't find a way into anything though. Have given up while I'm still sane :roll:


DaveB :tab:
Old sailors never die.. they just smell that way!

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