Flight not Logged

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Nigel H-J
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Flight not Logged

Post by Nigel H-J »

Booked and flew flight from EGLL to EGPH flying Trident G-AWZJ purpose of flight was to bring her up to the 5000kg mark on return to Heathrow.

Took off and whilst on autopilot read quickly through the Forum and also noted from the VA Map Display it was showing my position as in the region of Manchester, at that time I was around 20nm South of POL so FlyNet was showing and tracking my flight.

Landed at Edinburgh, taxied to the block, applied brake......no Bing Bong.....Nuffin!! Went to my FlyNet shortcut to end flight and at first had difficulty in bringing it up (it was minimised and active in windows)!!!! :doho: Finally when it decided to respond to my mouse clicks it showed a message as I closed the FlyNet Shortcut after seeing that I was still at EGLL!! something to do with a download??

Now have had to cancel the flight as do not have any more time available to make an out and return and this has cost me $1,356

Anyone know anything about an update/download for FlyNet?

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Re: Flight not Logged

Post by RAF_Quantum »

Hi Nigel,

Not sure what that message was about. The current client appears to be working still, I just logged on to check. The existing website is suffering from FlyNET's popularity and has been responding very slowly recently. The guys at FlyNET are working full steam to get things ready to migrate across to the new FSAirlines site but I'm not sure how long that will be. On the forum someone said on one occasion recently, they had to wait 20 mins for the client to close the flight after brakes on. I've had this before and have gone away from the pc, made a cuppa, read the newspaper etc and on my return the flight had been logged. As long as the client is not showing 'not responding' it will still be trying to communicate with the website. In future, rather than minimise the client window, try leaving it open with FS over the top. I have a second monitor for fsnav and the client is open under it. I can F9 to close FSNav and check my 'progress' in the client window during flight, which is handy for checking fuel is being used correctly, landing lights status etc. Being able to check your position on the map means you have the FlyNET tracker switched on. This can cause problems on longer flights so I recommend you switch this off.



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Re: Flight not Logged

Post by Nigel H-J »

Many thanks John,

I had began to wonder whether this was something to do with my computer as on three seperate occassions shortly after take-off the screen has gone black and the computer decided to do a re-boot on its' own accord!! :@ Fortunately this has only occurred just after departure so had not lost a full flight..............yet!! :worried:

When you say the FlyNet Tracker switched on is that the one in the VA section? If so I'll keep clear of it!! :lol:

Again, many thanks.

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Re: Flight not Logged

Post by RAF_Quantum »

Hi Nigel,

Go to C:\WINDOWS and look for a file called 'flynet'. Open it with notepad. Tracker=0 means tracker is off, Tracker=1 means tracker is on. Edit whichever way you want the tracker, save and exit.



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Re: Flight not Logged

Post by Nigel H-J »

Thanks John.

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Re: Flight not Logged

Post by Chris Trott »

Thankfully with FSAirlines, there is a check box in the options screen when you load up that lets you turn the tracker on and off so it's not so "black magic". :)

BTW, I encourage everyone to download the current FSAirlines Alpha (2.6 I think) and make a few flights with it if you can. Any flights you make with the Alpha won't affect your FlyNET account and is running off an upload from May or June so it'll be a bit "behind" where you're at now, but it should let you get used to the new system and client and make sure it works for you before we roll out public. If you have any issues, please let John or me know on here and we'll forward it to the FSAirlines Alpha forum or you can visit it yourself and post what you found. I do suggest that if you run into a problem, you read the "Known Problems" thread at the top of that forum first to make sure that you've tried those fixes before reporting the problem as I found out (embarassingly) that my problem with the system was that one of the fixes suggested worked even though I thought I'd done the fix properly previously.

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Re: Flight not Logged

Post by Nigel H-J »

Hi John

Just had a look in my FlyNet Folder on 'C' Drive.

Only have the following:


Followed by the DLL file and auto-update. No file there that contains the option of changing Tracker! :think:

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Re: Flight not Logged

Post by RAF_Quantum »

RAF_Quantum wrote:Hi Nigel,

Go to C:\WINDOWS and look for a file called 'flynet'. Open it with notepad. Tracker=0 means tracker is off, Tracker=1 means tracker is on. Edit whichever way you want the tracker, save and exit.


Hi Nigel,

You are looking in the wrong place



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Nigel H-J
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Re: Flight not Logged

Post by Nigel H-J »

:brick: :doho:

You know John, the older I get..the worse I become!! :worried:

Found it though I had to do the search on files and folders to locate it!! :roll:

Many thanks

I used to be an optimist but with age I am now a grumpy old pessimist.

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