The new Mossie from JF any good?

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Re: The new Mossie from JF any good?

Post by MartynJF »


Apologies for bumping an old topic, however I notice a strong dislike of JF on these forums, which is a real shame.

Unfortunately, and especially with vintage aircraft, there tend to be a lot of users who are unhappy with certain aspects of the product. As a publisher there is only so much we can do, we have spent the past years working hard to ensure as many problems were ironed out of this product. I notice one of our own forum regulars was annoyed to see it wasn't compiled using the FSX SDK after all this time and can completely understand that frustration. But ultimately it is the developer’s duty to provide the product and if they decide something isn’t possible then we have to take their word for it. Fortunately we have hundreds of customers who have no issues with the product, so even with a few dozen complaints; it would appear that the vast majority of people are happy with their purchase. We operate a 28 day fair deal policy for those that aren’t, which I hope you agree is adequate.

Any bugs or anomalies that are reported will be investigated thoroughly, so if you or your fellow forum members have discovered any then please let us know.

Believe it or not, we at JF try extremely hard to please all of our customers. If anyone has any negative (or positive) comments about how we do things then PLEASE 'let us have it' by e-mailing complaints to [email protected] and we will try our hardest to act on them.

We have a long list of 'true FSX' products coming out in the comings months, which will hopefully meet your approval :thumbsup:

Thanks for you time
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Re: The new Mossie from JF any good?

Post by TSR2 »

Hi Martyn,

No issue with Just flight as I've spent several hundred pounds on your stuff over the years, and very happy with it. My moan is a general one on FSX and thats when is an FSX aircraft not an FSX aircraft, its a tricky business. Looking forward to the new pure FSX releases. :)



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Re: The new Mossie from JF any good?

Post by MartynJF »

Hi Ben,

Yes the whole FSX update/native FSX product discussion is one we have daily in the JF office.

As an avid user of FS, well before joining JF, I can understand completely how some people feel 'cheated' when purchasing an FSX compatible product to find out its a port over. However we would get far more complaints if we hadn't updated our FS2004 titles for FSX....also thousands of customers are perfectly happy with port overs such as the Mossie. In regards to the Mossie, would people have prefered us to have scrapped the product altogether and not bother releasing it? AH spent a long time working on the Mossie and had invested a lot in it prior to FSX being released. For them to bin all of that work and start on a native FSX mossie would have been extremely costly. People need to remember that we are actually commercial companies, who need to cover costs and hopefully make a profit! We need to strike a balance between what we would like to do in an ideal world and what is possible with the financial constraints we have.

Its very easy as a consumer to get the whip out and beat us raw over decisions made in respect to releasing port overs, but please bear in mind that we do try our best to release top quality products. You will notice that products actually developed by JF(Archer, R44 etc) are patched/updated very quickly as we have direct control over the dev team. For example our Flying Club X aircraft are being completely updated to FSX SP2 standard, an update that will be released completely free. However updates for products that we publish (from devs such as AH/CLS etc) are not in our hands, unfortunately we can't chain their dev teams to their office chairs until its done! We simply have to remain patient and pass on the informaton we have to our customers.

If something isn't to your liking, such as the Mossie, then I would urge you to get a refund under our 28 day fair-deal policy. As people will testify, its completely hassle free and we will refund the order asap.

Thanks, I hope that makes sense!
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Re: The new Mossie from JF any good?

Post by AllanL »

And now you can download a demo of the BOAC Mossie. Apparently it comes without a VC panel, which has caused grumbles from some ingrates! For Pete's sake it's a demo - if they want the panel they should stump up the cash. :roll:

Off to play once the download is complete. (Wanders off whistling 633 squadron theme) :flying:

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Re: The new Mossie from JF any good?

Post by John »

AllanL wrote:And now you can download a demo of the BOAC Mossie. :flying:
That's great news!

Thanks for the heads-up

Kind regards

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Re: The new Mossie from JF any good?

Post by dswanson »


Downloaded the demo the other day and to be honest it's not up to the hype JF have given it. :@

I fly Bruno Escaravage's freeware Mossie in FS9 (I don't have FSX) and the JF one is no better for being payware. I concur with other forum comments about texture quality and the flight dynamics aren't brilliant either. The handling is OK but the top speed is well below what the Mossie was capable of. I won't be buying the JF Mossie and the demo has already been binned. Such a shame. :-(

I'm sure the Mossie from Dave G & co will be superlative, so I guess we'll all have to be patient.....


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Re: The new Mossie from JF any good?

Post by Scorpius »

I too tried the demo and after 10 minutes deleted it.

Sorry JF, no sale.

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