ORBX announces Great Britain series

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Re: ORBX announces Great Britain series

Post by ChrisHunt »

To add to my reply - re generic textures - I'm not sure there's any such thing except in the FSX only world; FTX create textures applicable to the area within which they sit rather than take a texture from a part of the world which happens to use the same landclass. GEX have created their own textures and they are very good but a bit hobbled by the decision to conform to the FSX landclass model - good enough really when you provide the coverage that they do.

Ben, not a replacement for photo agreed but photo real can be a bit dead unless you have a substantial number of extra packages installed. Worth waiting to see what they have planned I suspect that it will be quite exciting for all (assuming Flight doesn't come along and knock it all for six anyway!).


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Re: ORBX announces Great Britain series

Post by Benedettini »

To be honest, I prefer this 20GB of ORBX with entire UK area with autogens and crisp details (feeling like much improved FSX) rather than 100+GB of photoreal area with lack of autogen in many places and killing framerates thanks to overloaded mbs of photoground!!!
Like AU and NWUSA this is somewhat very charm for VFR/IFR! Atleast many hotspots are 3D to reference your position! I am happy to use ORBX addons just because this gives me very huge excitement and feeling the realism, while keeping in the fact that this is a hand-made simulator rather than real flat grounds (You feel it in FSX,not a GoogleEarth sim!)
Rust and dust, is a must...

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