Altitude question

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Altitude question

Post by saltysplash »

Hi folks.

Ive just completed my first training flight on the DC3 from Manchester to Newcastle and was surprised at the conclusion when I was shown a 5% penalty for Landing Lights on above FL100.

Im a bit confused as my cruising height for this trip was around 3000ft according to my altimeter which was set correctly.

This the copy of my flight log from FSairlines
Position Log
Time Longitude Latitude Heading Altitude Ground Alt GS Fuel Simrate
00:00:00 2.3101 W 53.3322 N 53 265 ft 256 ft 0 kn 687 kg 1x
00:09:30 2.2997 W 53.3373 N 53 282 ft 256 ft 98 kn 677 kg 1x
00:19:29 2.2598 W 53.6630 N 357 8602 ft 1369 ft 144 kn 611 kg 1x
00:29:28 2.2189 W 54.0978 N 359 9271 ft 1250 ft 157 kn 560 kg 1x
00:39:29 2.1625 W 54.5360 N 0 9764 ft 1428 ft 157 kn 509 kg 1x
00:49:28 2.0357 W 54.9545 N 60 9890 ft 493 ft 177 kn 461 kg 1x
00:54:43 1.6817 W 55.0401 N 68 275 ft 265 ft 0 kn 454 kg 1x

Im obviously missing something here as it shows me jumping from 282ft to 8602ft in just 10 mins

Is this an error or is it correct and im being a bit dim?

confused of Iver :$


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Re: Altitude question

Post by DaveB »

Hi Geoff :)

That's definitely suspect. I'll nip over to FSA and take a look ;)

EDIT: I've asked that the flight be checked Geoff. I can't see any instance where your pressure setting would have put you so far above your reported altitude. The profile shows you touched 1500ft AGL and EGNT isn't over 8500ft high!!
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Re: Altitude question

Post by saltysplash »

Thanks Dave,

For info same again on the return flight but I wasn't so lazy with the lights this time :)

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Re: Altitude question

Post by DaveB »

Yes.. I've just popped over to see if anyone has replied to my post and noticed you'd done the return ;)

TBH.. I've never turned the LL's off on the DC3 as I've never 'knowingly' been close to FL100. I think 5K was about the max I've flown it.

I wouldn't hold any hopes of your penalty being removed but anyone with any savvy can see that something definitely wasn't right with that flight report. I'm sure you'd be able to tell if you were actually at or above FL100 in the DC3.. the ground looks much further away for one :lol:

Incidentally, did you use the same settings (pressure) for the return? I'd be interesting to see what FSA has recorded this time *-)

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Re: Altitude question

Post by saltysplash »

Yep, didnt change anything, and cruised at 3,000.

Never mind, Im not overly bothered about the 95% I was just hurting my brain trying to figure out if i'd missed something out

this is the log for the return

Position Log
Time Longitude Latitude Heading Altitude Ground Alt GS Fuel Simrate
00:00:00 1.7072 W 55.0372 N 182 274 ft 265 ft 0 kn 660 kg 1x
00:08:30 1.7072 W 55.0378 N 127 274 ft 265 ft 0 kn 654 kg 1x
00:18:31 1.7037 W 54.9170 N 199 5787 ft 643 ft 132 kn 604 kg 1x
00:28:30 1.7666 W 54.5769 N 197 9873 ft 333 ft 136 kn 555 kg 1x
00:38:30 1.8420 W 54.1934 N 197 9963 ft 1487 ft 139 kn 514 kg 1x
00:48:30 1.9117 W 53.8067 N 196 10006 ft 1011 ft 140 kn 474 kg 1x
00:58:30 2.1621 W 53.4861 N 240 9081 ft 277 ft 133 kn 435 kg 1x
01:08:29 2.5746 W 53.2438 N 107 4575 ft 153 ft 130 kn 405 kg 1x
01:18:20 2.2813 W 53.3551 N 347 266 ft 256 ft 0 kn 385 kg 1x


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Re: Altitude question

Post by DaveB »


I see you were up at FL100 again on that flight. What pressure setting were you using? I find it difficult to comprehend you were cruising at 3000ft and yet at 10000ft ASL. I'm gonna have to look for myself *-)

Were you using real weather and if so, where from (default wx prog or a-n-other)?

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Re: Altitude question

Post by saltysplash »

Hi Dave.

Altimeter set at 1013 and not real weather.

All four flights had the same anomaly in height yet I've just arrived in Jersey in an A748 which resulted in correct height recorded.

I can only think I may have a bug on my DC3 which I'll test out when I start doing revenue flights. I just have to be careful with the landing lights until I can trust the model.

FSX has been a bit unstable crashing to desktop if I change time and weather during a flight and im thinking it may be a similar problem I've had with previous Sims on the old vista OS ie. they didnt work properly if using the default install path.
A cure for that was to install the programs to a different location and always as administrator

If it is a bug ill just have to bite the bullet and reinstall :doh:


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Re: Altitude question

Post by TSR2 »

Maybe a stupid question, but have you set the sim up to use metric instead of imperial?


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Re: Altitude question

Post by saltysplash »

Hi Ben

Yes, metric is the setting and its only something that has shown up while using the DC3 on training flights. Still have to do a money run yet but im leaning towards a bug in my DC3


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Re: Altitude question

Post by Garry Russell »

Funny...I thought it looked metric versus imperial even tough I have no idea if that was possible, but when I checked some figures they didn't match although in the general ballpark...within a 1,000 feet

Is it something like using an FS.9 aircraft in FS X or would that ever screw these figures to this extent?


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