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Re: Building Airfields FSX

Post by TSR2 »

I'll check it out, Thanks Dave :thumbsup:


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Re: Building Airfields FSX

Post by TSR2 »

Just started again as it was easier. The good news is I've got a square box the correct size to appear in the sim. :excited:
(543.03 KiB) Downloaded 308 times
The bad news is I can't make head nor tail of the texture mapping. I selected the left and right side and set them as material 1, the front and back as material 2 and the top as material 3. When I edit the UVW unwrap I get this... :worried: :dunno:
UVW Unwrap
(10.88 KiB) Downloaded 308 times
The colours are chosen so I could try and work out whats going on with the colours on each side.


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Re: Building Airfields FSX

Post by GHD »

It is probably better to use planar mapping then you will have only the vertices for a single face on the UV map. As it is you have vertices for all sides on the map so it is difficult to see which vertex belongs to which face.


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Re: Building Airfields FSX

Post by DaveG »

Yep, that's why I split objects up. Makes mapping so much easier.
Dave G.

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Re: Building Airfields FSX

Post by Effoh »

TSR2 wrote:Actually Colin,

Another thing if possible. On the Northern side of the Airfield off to the left of the peri track is this...

I've no idea what it is, but I've seen it marked on charts from the 80's. If you can see what it is and get a photo without risk to yourself it would be much appreciated. ;)

Will try to get out this weekend and have a look.

Gentleman (n.) Someone who knows how to play the bagpipes, but doesn't

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Re: Building Airfields FSX

Post by TSR2 »

Dave / George,

thanks for this advice. I'm not entirely sure how to do what your describing though :lol: Don't suppose either of you have come across a video tutorial that shows it? I've found a couple, but they all seem to use this "box" method.


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Re: Building Airfields FSX

Post by TSR2 »

Hi Chaps.

Still not getting anywhere with the texturing. I've gone back to basics (I think) and just trying to texture a square box, but making a bloody mess of it. As you know, I tried the box method, and I think I've been trying to do it plane at a time (for example selecting the poly that mages up the roof in the top view) and applying the material to that, but I'm not really getting anywhere. I've created 4 512 x 512 textures in PNG format. Just one texture in each file, as I thought this would be the easiest way to learn how to manipulate the texture on the model, but I think I'm missing something fairly fundamental. I watched a video of a guy applying a texture to a GMAX taxiway and it looked like a doddle! Needless to say, I'm having no joy at all. :dunno:


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Re: Building Airfields FSX

Post by DaveG »

Hi Ben, I'll try and knock up a simple tutorial.
Dave G.

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Re: Building Airfields FSX

Post by TSR2 »

Cheers Dave,

I figure if i can do a box, i can probably do most of the shapes I'll need... Well, other than the dome on top of the two towers. :lol:

I've managed to get some photos of the raised Deck and some of the other bits, albeit the photos are black and white, so I'll need some license on colour.

with the Deck I'm thinking ill do it as a solid object. I reality it was built on various girders but the were so tightly packed it would be incredibly difficult to model.

the adjustable heli deck will be fun to do to. It really was a fascinating place.


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Re: Building Airfields FSX

Post by DaveG »

OK, here we go. Sorry for the delay, I had to download and install Gmax, then try and figure out how to use it :lol:

A (very) basic run though of texturing a box. I'm using 2 materials, one for the top and another for the sides which has been split into sections.


In Gmax, I've created a simple box, and set up 2 materials. Make sure you don't use multi-material! Remember, it's one material per object. I'm just using the standard material as I don't have the FSX SDK installed with Gmax.


Convert the box into editable poly, or editable mesh, go into poly sub-mode and select the top face. Click "detach" and give it a new name.


Select the new object & give it the material for the top. Apply a UVW mapping modifier. You'll probably need to play around with the alignment buttons to get the orientation correct.


Back to the original box. Again in poly sub-object mode, select and detach the sides on at a time until you've only one side left. You can delete the bottom face if you like as that won't be seen anyway.


Select the object that is the first side. Apply the side material and a UVW mapping modifier.


Apply an Unwrap UVW modifier & move, rotate and scale the points until you're happy that it's lined up correctly.


Repeat for the other sides.


When all the sides are done, add an edit mesh modifier to one of the sides, and attach the other sides to it.



You can now weld the adjoining verticies. Remember, the top has a separate material, so you can't join that to the side object.
You can add an Unwrap modifier if you with to tweak the alignment further.

That's just one way to do it, there are dozens of others! I tend to do things this way as it make it less confusing. If you've got a complex object with loads of mesh select and UVW modifiers on it, it can be a pain to keep track of what is what.

Hope this has been helpful.
Dave G.

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