Another day, Another One-Eleven

If you have a payware prog whether it be a model, scenery or utility that you have tried.. tell us about it here.

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Re: Another day, Another One-Eleven

Post by ChrisHunt »

Thanks Nev. At the moment there's not enough in it to tempt me and real-world stuff is keeping me away from the PC in any event (apart from today :) ) so I think I'll pass on this one until it comes up for £5.

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Re: Another day, Another One-Eleven

Post by Nigel H-J »

Not sure about this having read the posts, may well just wait until the HS 748 comes out and have that instead but will also look at Just Flight Forum and see what comes out from there.

One thing I had noticed from the video is that coming in to land it appeared from the flight deck view and also external view that it was too nose high! Maybe some-one here can comment on that.

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Re: Another day, Another One-Eleven

Post by blanston12 »

I got her and took her up for my first flight. biggest problem I had was figuring out the autopilot, which to me does not seem to work, initially could get the climb working but could not get her to turn on autopilot, both using heading mode or nav/loc mode.
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Re: Another day, Another One-Eleven

Post by PaulC »

I may have said previously that I was done with JF however I'm interested to know-

What's the manual like- is it the usual brief types produced by them?

Are it's systems modelled- i.e. do you have to get things right for it to work or is it the standard JF press one button and it'll do it all for you?

How does it fly?


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Re: Another day, Another One-Eleven

Post by Effoh »

Think I'll be sticking to DM's original with Bjoern's FSX conversion. Works fine in P3D for me.

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Re: Another day, Another One-Eleven

Post by Swanoir »

Bought it earlier with the excuse that it's my birthday weekend. What can I say that hasn't already been said?
Not a patch on Maltby, obviously.
It's Ok, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with it but...
As a relatively recent convert to FSX and the new PC that runs it, I just kind of expect more now from payware. This doesn't deliver I'm afraid.
Hand flying is great, but the cockpit just doesn't feel right. And the textures? Just too, 'plasticky'...I love weathered, dirty textures as I remember them, but these are just, well, odd.
I'm genuinely sad because I love this aircraft (lots of personal memories as I'm sure lots of you have), but a modern FS aircraft needs more to appeal than having just been made for the sake of it. I felt the same way with the JF F27, my ultimate favourite plane ever, which just left me feeling slightly cheated and bereft.
So I'd advise not buying just yet until a sale kicks in. Isn't it suspicious that it's on sale as soon as it comes out, even though it's time-limited?
If only someone would bung The Master Mr Maltby a ton of cash to start all over again to work his magic on a proper FSX One Eleven...I tell you what, I'd pay well over the odds for that. :thumbsup:

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Re: Another day, Another One-Eleven

Post by DaveB »

The 'price reduction' thing is the norm for JF with new products mate.. has become the norm anyway. It's kinda cool but you invariably run the risk of being 'first in' on all the bugs these first releases tend to have. The problem with 'hand painted' VC's is that they require a certain level of skill.. an exceptional level of skill by the painter in order to look convincing. Less so perhaps with a small military cockpit but with something of this size, if it's NOT done right.. it tends to look quite naff. While the VC on DM's 1-11 may not have 'the required' number of 3D elements.. the fact it is made from photo images goes a long way to offset this so.. even though it's positively stone age.. it still looks better.. IMHO and for what its worth :cpu:

I'm sure it will appear for a fiver at some point in the future ;)
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Re: Another day, Another One-Eleven

Post by flugkapitan »

I bought it yesterday morning and had a quick look at it last night. My impressions are pretty much of the previous posters. When I have time I'm going to compare it to Dave Maltby's 1-11. Haven't fired up that bird in quite some time.

Mutley (from Mutley's hangar) has come up with some additional VC views that look quite nice. I'll be installing them as soon as I can. I got this info from the Just Flight 1-11 forum:
I have added some extra VC views over on Mutley's Smile ... -vc-views/

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Re: Another day, Another One-Eleven

Post by blanston12 »

Someone on the JustFlight forum said you had to use this switch to enable heading and or navigation mode.
It sort of worked in HDG mode but when I flipped the NAV/GPS switch to GPS and the autopilot to NAV/LOC nothing, put the little switch into N/L mode and the aircraft turned to due north, not the somewhat southwest direction toward the airport the GPS was tracking. Then eventually I started playing with the switch to see if I could figure it out but once I turned it to OFF, it would not leave that position until I turned the autopilot off, and since its so small and I had to zoom way in to set it I was then in a very dangerous position as we drifted wildly off course.

Hopefully JF will fix this soon or its going to spend an extended period of time out in the desert storage yard.
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Re: Another day, Another One-Eleven

Post by DaveG »

DaveB wrote:The 'price reduction' thing is the norm for JF with new products mate.. has become the norm anyway. It's kinda cool but you invariably run the risk of being 'first in' on all the bugs these first releases tend to have.
It's almost as if they want as many people to buy it before the reviews start appearing... :worried:
I don't mind bugs in the coding generally, as they mostly get fixed in SPs, but poor quality modelling and/or texturing rarely get fixed.
Dave G.

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