FCS Lancaster GPS switch required

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FCS Lancaster GPS switch required

Post by hobby »

I have returned to modifying and flying the First Class simulations Lancaster. Using much of my collection of Lancaster research material I have spent the last couple of days modifying the aircraft cfg file, mostly correcting the dimensions and areas to as near real life as is possible. The aircraft is now in a state where I have begun daylight cross country flights using the real life (straight from the RAF Pilots Notes) throttle, boost and RPM settings. Crew only no bombload.

I now have a new problem. I have replaced the default GPS with the FSX GPS Gauge by G Munro v. 1.6. I have also replaced the FCS radio with the radio and autopilot from the Cessna 172. The latter because I could not see the frequencies in the FCS radio clearly enough. My old eyes now need larger numbers!!

Using the map on the new GPS I can see my flightplan track but I have no means of instructing the Cessna Autopilot to switch on the GPS navigation system. One of the default FSX Cessna 172 does have a switch 'Nav/GPS' but I have not found a way to transfer that to the most convenient position on the FCS panel. For me the most convenient position is dead centre just below the instrument face which has two crossed needles. An early radio D/F indicator. I haven't caught on how to use that gadget yet - early days.

Can a forum member please tell me how to position that Cessna 'Nav/GPS' switch in my preferred position? Also I have looked for, but cannot find, the Cessna 172 panel zip, putting that in the Lancaster panel file might make the switch available, the only problem would then be to find the pixel co-ordinates to position that switch where I need it.

An addition, rather than a modification, has been the use of some excellent textures, there are two texture packs by Jens Ole at sim-outhouse. These textures really do smarten up the aircraft. Thoroughly recommended.

Without the ability to use the GPS it will be very difficult to fly long day or night routes which are not in the 'straight line club'.

I used to have a panel program in FS9 which allowed me to easily modify any panel but I don't want to buy it again for FSX and all my FS9 kit has been deleted.

I do hope that someone will be able to help.

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Re: FCS Lancaster GPS switch required

Post by DaveG »

Do you want the switch in the VC, or a 2D panel? (Been a while since I flew the FCS Lanc, so I can't remember if it actually has a 2D panel)
If in the VC, you will be limited as to where you can put the switch as it will need to be put on an existing gauge poly. If the VC is completely 3d modeled then there may not be any at all!
Dave G.

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Re: FCS Lancaster GPS switch required

Post by hobby »

Thanks for your reply DaveG. I would prefer the switch to be on the VC panel.

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Re: FCS Lancaster GPS switch required

Post by DaveG »

I'll have a look at the model tonight if I get chance, although I've got quite a busy evening so I may not get time, and see what can be done. :cpu:
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Re: FCS Lancaster GPS switch required

Post by hobby »

DaveG: Thanks very much. Looking forward to hearing from you. If the VC panel cannot have the GPS/Nav switch added and the 2D can accept that switch I'll go for the latter.

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Re: FCS Lancaster GPS switch required

Post by DaveG »

Hi Hobby,

I've had a quick look, and it's as I thought, there's nowhere in the VC that can take the switch (not without some hacking of the interior mdl anyway).
Adding it to the 2D panel is easy enough though.
If you add this

Code: Select all

gauge19=Cessna!Nav GPS Switch,  952,540, 20, 21
to the bottom of the [Window00] section of the panel.cfg you should be good to go, although I've only checked that the switch shows on the panel, not the actual functionality.
Dave G.

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Re: FCS Lancaster GPS switch required

Post by hobby »

"It's a piece of cake" is an old saying and a good cake is highly dependent on having a good recipe.

I successfully fitted the switch to the 2d panel using DaveG's line for Gauge number 18 but I could not manage to make the switch control my GPS unit and take control of the Lancaster. The aircraft would not follow the purple line of my flightplan.

I had made a flightplan with the aircraft taking off from RAF Hemswell and flying 046* crossing the River Humber to the VOR 'OTR' and then turning to 275* to the VOR 'POL' turning there to recover at RAF Coningsby. One hand flies the Lanc on take off and using the map of the GPS aims to intersect the 046* track turning on the GPS navigation just before crossing that intended track.

Before making a landing at Coningsby the GPS is disengaged and the ILS or VOR system is used to used for approach and arrival. A nice touch with my Coningsby scenery is that Ground Control knows that I'm flying a Lancaster and parks me just in front of the memorial Flight Hangar. Right where the real Lancaster parks. I know because in real life I watched the Lanc park there after flying over London in 1977.

I realised that I could not make the Cessna switch communicate with FSX so I tried to find another method of getting the GPS to work.

Off to FSX "Options - Settings - Controls - Buttons/Keys" There I stumbled on what so far appears to be the answer. Looking down the table of 'Buttons/Keys' I found the entry 'Nav1/GPS(toggle)'. I allocated the key stroke 'Ctrl + N' to that entry and got back into the FCS Lancaster.

Take off, climb to 3500ft using the Cessna Radio autopilot while hand flying towards my intended track as shown on my GPS map. Prior to crossing the purple line I pressed the 'Nav' button on the Cessna Autopilot while still aiming to intersect the purple line. Seconds before crossing that line I made the keystroke 'Ctrl + N'. The 'Nav' button remains lit but its function has now changed and it becomes the GPS button. The Lanc then obediently turned to follow the purple line all the way to Coningsby. All that with no bombload and no weather. Tomorrow I hope to try that same flightplan with weather from Active Sky Next.

So finding the right way to change the function of the Cessna autopilot 'Nav' seems to be the answer.

Note: When making a flightplan please make a curved approach to any turning point because the Lanc cannot make instantaneous changes in direction which the GPS control is also unable to accommodate.

More news later.

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Re: FCS Lancaster GPS switch required

Post by hobby »

In the above the key stroke should be 'Shift + n' not 'Ctrl + n'. Apologies.

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Re: FCS Lancaster GPS switch required

Post by hobby »

This evening I flew a cross country at 6,000ft, crew only, no bombload, from RAF Hemswell to RAF Valley via the low flying area in the Lake District. Weather was provided by Active Sky Next and was not altogether to my liking - my arrival at RAF Valley (note not a landing) was a bit dicey in a 24kt crosswind. I had approach the runway crabwise and at one point the port main wheel slipped off the runway edge for a second or two.

The trip was 263 nm in length and the use of the 'Shift + n' keystroke worked well in changing the function of the Cessna 172 Autopilot 'Nav' button to activate the GPS. After take off, turn onto track and the changing of the "outer" tanks to "all tanks", the FCS Lancaster flew all the way without any hesitation to the initial approach position to RAF Valley using the GPS v6 by G Munro.

I see that this topic has been viewed over 300 times - I hope that other FCS Lancaster fans will make use of the 'Shift + n' modification and enjoy being able to fly their Lancasters wherever they please - perhaps the most picturesque would be a French Naval Air Arm patrol over French possessions in the Pacific Ocean.

Can the FCS Lancaster use TacPac?

That's all folks!

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Re: FCS Lancaster GPS switch required

Post by DaveG »

hobby wrote:
14 Nov 2018, 20:57

Can the FCS Lancaster use TacPac?
Mine does ;)
I modded the BI, but the bombs dropped are modern US Mk82s, which is a pain. It's possible to swap out the Mk82 mdl with a suitable custom model, but then that will affect every other aircraft that uses the MK82 as well. :wall:
Dave G.

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