The Argosy in FSX

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The Argosy in FSX

Post by johnhinson »

G'day chaps,

I hope you are all doing OK in these difficult times.

I am a bit late on parade but I have moved into the modern era (ha ha) with FSX. Most aircraft are doing fine but I am finding turboprops harder to master than the piston-engined stuff. With persistence I have got many of the turboprops running, but the Argosy has me stumped. I cannot start it from cold!

My procedure has always been:
  • Master Switch ON
  • Radio Master ON
  • Fuel Trim - SET 100% (or 80%)
  • Battery Switch - ISOL
  • Start Switch: START (the upper position which actually aligns with "OFF"
  • Select Engine to Start (defaults to No4)
  • Push the great big button
In FS9 up she whirls. In FSX there is nothing but stony silence.

Am I missing something?

Best regards,


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Re: The Argosy in FSX

Post by TSR2 »

Hi John,

The starter code in the model changed between FSX and FS9, so it could be that... or one of the models (I can’t remember which) you had to start from the VC before going back to the panel (or visa versa). I’ll check tonight.


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Re: The Argosy in FSX

Post by Vc Ten »

Hi John I gave up on the Argosy. Pity as it's a good freight hauler.
I never succeeded with starting the engines in fsx, either in the vc or 2d. (The 748 required you to pop into the 2d to power up the electric in fsx). I think I could start engine 1 with ctrl +E but I just used to load another aircraft first, get the engines going and swap to the Argosy. The other killer was just too much texture missing in the VC. Holes showing the ground everywhere. Was a bit disconcerting 😂
Last edited by Vc Ten on 04 Apr 2020, 15:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Argosy in FSX

Post by Tako_Kichi »

The starter torque value changed between FS9 and FSX but that only applied to piston engine aircraft not turboprops. I just checked all of my turboprops and none of them have a starter torque value in the config file so I am not sure how they are controlling the start-up on those unless jet engine principles apply.

I did find this interesting thread over at FS Developer on turboprop start-up issues: ... up.441170/

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Re: The Argosy in FSX

Post by TSR2 »

Hi Larry,

If I remember Fraser had to right some custom code for the Darts.

[EDIT] John, you did download the FSX Argosy from the library didn't you? That one has had the modifications to the code to let it work in FSX. :cpu:

[EDIT 2] I cant get it to start either.The modifications to the CAB file were to get it to start using CRTL+E. Thers something at the back of my head now and I cant remember what it is.


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Re: The Argosy in FSX

Post by johnhinson »

TSR2 wrote:
04 Apr 2020, 16:18
John, you did download the FSX Argosy from the library didn't you? That one has had the modifications to the code to let it work in FSX. :cpu:
Yes, I did. I downloaded a second time just in case . . .

I am at least comforted I am not being stupid and am not alone experiencing this. I thought I would deal with one at a time but just for info I have the same problem with the Fokker Friendship, which I have put on one side for now. When the solution is found it will probably work there too.

I can start the Viscounts and the Vanguard without problem.

I thought starter torque settings were specific to piston engines? I have used that trick to get the old FS9 Airspeed Ambassador to start in FSX.

Many thanks for everybody's input so far.


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Re: The Argosy in FSX

Post by johnhinson »

This is not intended as a "bump" but is just a summary of the position for me after more testing.

I have done more tests and it seems about half of the turbo-props I use work fine, but the other half firmly refuse to start:

JBK Britannia (with FM'S FSX panel) *
MS Britannia (with FM'S FSX panel)
RP Vanguard (with FM'S FSX panels)
RP Viscount 700 & 800 (with FM'S FSX panels)
JBK Viscount 700 & 800 (with FM'S FSX panels) *
* - with FDs matched to alternative model

RP Armstrong-Whitworth Argosy (with FM'S FSX panel)
MS Fokker Friendship (with FM'S FSX panel)
RP Hawker Tiddly HS748 (with FM'S FSX panel)
AFG NAMC YS-11. This is listed on as FS9 but many repaints say good for FSX and P3D

I have used these in the past, but not heavily, so haven't got round to installing
MS Canadair CL-44
CC Convair 580 & 640
RP Handley Page Herald
MS Lockheed Electra

Out of all that I'm trying to find a common factor and there doesn't seem to be one! Two possibilities:
  • That some things don't work on FSX-SE properly but that seems to be mostly utilities rather than aircraft. FSX-SE is what I am using - yet one YS-11 repaint I saw specifically said tested in FSX-SE.
  • That most developers and users always start with engines running
There has to be an answer out there. Although these are mostly British aircraft, I might ask on the Californian Classics forum as there is a good level of technical expertise there. There must be an answer, and if I find it I will report back.

Best regards,


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