Just Flight Concorde HU

If you have a payware prog whether it be a model, scenery or utility that you have tried.. tell us about it here.

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Just Flight Concorde HU

Post by Swanoir »

Out today. I'm really tempted as Concorde has been a yawning hole in my hangar since my FS2004 days! Money a bit tight at the moment though, so I might have to hang fire for a bit. Would be really interested to read reviews from anyone who does take the plunge... :thumbsup:

Court Line Flyer
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Re: Just Flight Concorde HU

Post by Court Line Flyer »

I splashed the cash and had a few hours flying this evening, so here's my impression so far.

Likes: easy to fly, CNTRL+E start if you want, very stable in flight, manual is clear and written in a way that really helps you fly her well, I just jumped in a took off

Dislikes: VC upper panel graphics are not the best and she didn't seem to hold ALT on autopilot too well, lots of 'hunting' up and down to get the required level

Externally the model is somewhat inaccurate, window line too high, the model doesn't have Concorde's characteristic tilt back on its main gear, and those boarding steps look just hideous. Maybe these will be fixed in the future.

I'd say this is similar to Virtualcol quality. Given it is easy to fly and I shall be redoing the textures anyway, I'm glad I bought it and look forward to mastering her unique aspects. That said I've seen better freeware (e.g. POSKY/SkySpirit, everything from Mr Maltby!) but I thought the £28 price tag was not unreasonable as I know how much work goes into creating something like this.

When the paint kit is released I look forward to sharing the latest addition to Court Line VA's fleet!

Stay safe everyone.
Last edited by Court Line Flyer on 30 Sep 2020, 07:33, edited 1 time in total.

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Location: Cramlington

Re: Just Flight Concorde HU

Post by Swanoir »

Thanks for that, very helpful and much appreciated. It's disappointing about the issues you highlighted, but I get the impression that they can be overlooked in view of the overall flying experience. I think I'll probably bite the bullet anyway, just to have a Concorde in the old virtual hangar. :thumbsup:

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