Track IR Has Died!!

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Nigel H-J
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Track IR Has Died!!

Post by Nigel H-J »

My track IR ceased working for some reason and cannot find out the reason, no longer picks up the clip any-more. Had been playing up for a few days whereas the tracking would go all over the place and sometimes it just sort of froze. I have had it for around ten years now so don't think I can complain and this could be a good good excuse for buying a VR Headset apart from the HP Reverb G2 is far too much and I am not going to join Facebook just to use the Oculus whatsit so have been googling around for an alternative to Track IR and came across a review on YouTube for the Delanclip and it sounded very good and far cheaper than Track IR.

Think I will probably go for the cabled version as cheaper that the Wireless one but will have to do some more review searches.

Now just wondering whether any-one here has the Delanclip or other device apart from Track IR. Incidentally a few years ago a number of people I knew when I used to fly Cliffs of Dover had ED Track but now it seems to have gone for some reason! :dunno:

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Re: Track IR Has Died!!

Post by Tako_Kichi »

I went through 3 different versions of TIR (1xTIR4, 2xTIR5) and they all died the same way, it was like they went blind in one eye and would register head movement in the up/down and in/out axes but when it came to left/right they picked up any movement when looking to the right but froze if I tried to look to the left. It was almost like one of the receiver/camera units had died in one axis.

I then switched to a 'Trackhat' system which used the exact same PS3 camera the Delanclip uses with powered LEDs mounted in the brim of a baseball cap and while it worked it was never as smooth as a TIR system (not sure if that was a Trackhat software problem or the PS3 camera at fault) and I eventually gave up using it.

I do miss it but can't be bothered to replace it at the moment as we moved house in the fall of last year and I have a whole wall of windows behind me now so any head tracking device would be virtually useless in that situation, they really dislike any strong light sources in their field of view.

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Re: Track IR Has Died!!

Post by spot »

Hi chaps. Has anyone tried the head tracking system, I spotted something on you tube
About it. Apparently you just need a web cam that tracks your head and a small cheap piece of soft
Sorry I’m not to computer savvy but next time I see my son I’ll see if he can put a link up for you. *-)

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Re: Track IR Has Died!!

Post by Paul K »

I use the TrackHat clip with the TrackIR camera. The TH clip is much more sturdy than the TIR one, and has its own rechargeable battery inside, so no cable to worry about. I bought the full TH kit, so it came with the PS3 camera, but I've found that the TIR camera works better, and you can still use the TIR software. Therefore, I would only buy the TH clip if your TIR camera is still working properly.

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Re: Track IR Has Died!!

Post by 511Flyer »

I use Track Hat also. Never had a problem with it. No experience of Track IR.


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Re: Track IR Has Died!!

Post by Nigel H-J »

Many thanks for your replies, still unsure of which way to go TBH. The Track hat is nearly all out of stock and no prices for the camera etc. I have to be careful this time around on how much I can actually spend as having to cut back a lot presently as have more pressing items that are required, new oven for starters and more expenses to come. :doh:
Hi chaps. Has anyone tried the head tracking system, I spotted something on you tube
About it. Apparently you just need a web cam that tracks your head and a small cheap piece of soft
Thanks for that Brian but unfortunately I do not have a web cam any-more although they can be bought quite cheaply. Had a look on YouTube and it does require a certain amount of faffing about to get it working as you want it but those days for me are long since gone, if it don't work straight out of the box then I'd rather not bother messing about at my age, just don't have the patience any-more!! :lol:

Think for the time being I may just leave it, as when looking back at the Delanclip the Track IR software only works providing that you have the Track IR Camera and that is the one that gave up working!! :(( Without the Track IR Camera you do need to purchase software to run it and that too involves having to set it up.

For now I'll just go back to using the HAT Switch and see what happens towards the end of this year.

Again, many thanks for your replies.

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Re: Track IR Has Died!!

Post by Vancouver »

I have to agree re TrackHat, it is much more robust. I only wish I had waited a bit as they now offer a wireless option. My TIR still works but the flimsy legs broke years ago.
But Ovens and real life do come first unfortunately. :agree:

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