64 bit?

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Re: 64 bit?

Post by Buggyman »

After one of 'those' weeks I have broken free from the cardiologists to concentrate on the important things in life - P3D being high on my list - after family of course.

I think I am finally getting there. I uninstalled the UK True Earth sceneries and my fps improved quite a bit, I could now fly LHR - Glasgow without the scenery turning into soup. But my standard test flight from Dusseldorf to Glasgow still suffered the soup problem THEN it occurred to me that I was overflying True Earth Holland. Uninstalling that TE has made a big difference. That flight and others from UK-Germany are normal, no soup!

So, it is still not as I would like, the scenery sliders are about mid way and I'm sure my i9 should be able to cope with full on scenery. I know there is a problem with NVIDEA but I have yet to find out what it is, all I do know is that my PC is not using more than 4GB RAM out of the 32 available and that the CPU is going at 98%. :dunno:

In reality it's a bit like my school report "Could do better" but we are getting there.

Thank you for your input guys, every little helps.


Allan :thumbsup:

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Re: 64 bit?

Post by Scorpius »

What is your clock speed?


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Re: 64 bit?

Post by Buggyman »

3.00GHz. It was supplied as overclocked to 4.1GHz but there was a fault in one of the RAM sticks and then there was a fault on the Motherboard so that, after returning it to the manufacturer 3 times the overclocking bit was left out. :S I had the motherboard replaced locally but the 'expert' who had done hundreds of PC builds seemed hardly able to find his way and took a whole day doing it.

I dare say that this underclocking is in someway at the root cause of my problems. Although I was led to understand that it was the series CPU i.e. i9 over i7 that determined things? My problem now is who to trust to do the job correctly? There is a guy who is supposed to be the B's knees according to his customers so now lockdown is easing I may have to call him and take a chance.


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Re: 64 bit?

Post by Scorpius »

Sadly 3Ghz is the minimum, I use the Intel Extreme Tuning Utlility (free) to ramp my machine up to 5Ghz.

Give it a try,


Vc Ten
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Re: 64 bit?

Post by Vc Ten »

Raw clock speed is the secret to Fsx, Allan
i7.or i9. won't really be better than an i5 as fsx doesn't support hyperthreading. Which is the main advantage of the " better" cpus. Fsx doesn't really support support multi core processors come to that. Hence why one core is always bombed out and the other cores doing bugger all . MSFS 2020 it not much better optimised come to that.
I think I would get to the root of why you have lost your ability to overclock or at least get to default settings.
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Re: 64 bit?

Post by TSR2 »

Allan P3D Multi Threads, so the issue will be down to addons / configuration. i9 has lots of cores too, so P3D would run like shit off a shovel. Certainly my old system was an i5 running at 2.7 (no over clocking), 16GB RAM, an SSD (or 3) and an RTX2070. Had no issues at all, other that with certain combinations of addons. There's no silver bullet, and as you have already seen, removing / disabling some addons can make a significant difference.


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Re: 64 bit?

Post by Vc Ten »

Sorry Allan, I forgot you were on P3d and yes the use of multithreading has moved on somewhat. My original comment re raw clock speed = fps is still correct though. The more cores in use and multithreading in improves texture/autogen loading times (stutters) or so Beau says :-
http://www.prepar3d.com/forum/viewtopic ... 5&t=124932
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Re: 64 bit?

Post by Buggyman »

Finally I've got time for a bit of catching up. SWMBO had an argument with an insect and lost with the result of hugely inflamed leg and very poorly. Thanks to a very good GP she is now on the mend and I can look forward to flying again.

I used ETU for the first time this afternoon and managed to push my clock speed up to 4.2. At the same time, having uninstalled all 3 TE files, I seem to have made inroads into my problem. Its early days and more trying out to go but the results so far are very promising. My standard circuits no longer turn to flying over floating scenery and very low fps. Going further afield a short flight into the UK from France was perfect with no loss of scenery and no stuttering while flying over London. More experimentation and time needed but it is looking good.

Considering the above problems with P3D - how is it that I get perfect scenery/flights every time with FS2020? After all the PC must be working much harder to deal with the complex scenery? Just askin :lol:

Thanks to Nev , Ben and Dale for your inputs, much appreciated as always :thumbsup:


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Re: 64 bit?

Post by TSR2 »

This was one of the reasons MS / Asobo included the whole scenery piece. When they looked at performance issues on existing flight simulators they were almost all caused by 3rd party addons. In some cases these were badly coded, or the developers didn’t understand the way the sim worked properly. (How many millions of words have been written in forums about performance of FS9, FSX, P3D). The only sure way to guarantee performance is to strictly control what’s added to the sim. And there’s not huge amounts of money in FS addons, so if you can do something that works in FSX and P3D, even if it’s less than optimal in both, so much the better. Most people won’t notice too much, and if anyone makes a big issue of it, you can give them a refund. It’s still less expensive than developing different versions for different sims. The fact is they all work really well until you start adding stuff into them. They needed MSFS to have a WOW factor so they did it in house. Obviously they don’t always get it right, but it’s a phenomenal piece of software. I bet if you fly default P3D it goes like shit off a shovel. The Airport s in MSFS aren’t overly heavy. It does support much in the way of legacy code, so it’s much more efficient. A lot of the stuff in P3D has origins back in FS9 believe it or not. I think this is one of the reasons so few aircraft have been don in MSFS too.


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Re: 64 bit?

Post by Buggyman »

Thanks Ben

Makes such obvious sense and yet I wonder how many simmers there are out there that buy 'super new enhanced blah blah' and end up with pedestrian systems like I did. :doh:

Lesson learned, also how to beef up my clock speed so for me its a win-win.

Allan :welldone:

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