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Post by chrispbits »

Is anyone else getting regular CTD's in MSFS? It's the permissions error and with the same MSFS process each time. I've run diagnostics on the RAM with no issues. I've dialled back on the settings to reduce stress on the system. All that I achieved was to delay the onset of the CTD.

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Post by TSR2 »

I think the most common cause of CTD in MSFS was stuff un the community folder. As a quick test, you could rename the community folder community.temp or something like that and then start the sim. This would have the effect of disabling all of the 3rd party addons (unless they were bought through the in sim marketplace.)

If you have addons that were bought in sim, sou could check to see if there are any updates for those pending, or temporarily disable them.

Let us know how you get on.


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Post by Vc Ten »

I hope next week's World update addresses a few more bugs that were introduced with update 5
As Ben suggests move your community folder or rename it to something else and see if that improves stability
Are the Ctd's related anyway to particular aircraft or scenery? I was getting the A320 ctd on spawning at any "large" airport. Flybywire have released a new stable version with a fix to overcome the problem.
One or 2 aircraft seem to be suffering where their fps deteriorates over a period. I've noticed this on pmdg Dc6 and my a300 (based on A320) some sort of memory leakage.
The other thing I've seen, is the gpu is working a lot harder than previously, with a corresponding drop in the cpu usage. (work that Asobo have done to the display engine) I have been flying with gpu running at 100% and getting rather hot. I have restricted the fps in nvidia control panel to 32 and locked the sim to 30. This gives me around 40% usage on the gpu, but occasionally it still spikes to 100%, but running much cooler :dunno:
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Post by chrispbits »

And it was going so well... 35 minutes or so in on what I was hoping would be a longer flight I was just thinking I needed to pause the sim to go to the tip when along came a CTD to solve that particular problem. I had renamed the community folder and sure enough only default content was available. As before (and always) Access violation - code c0000005. Disabling various elements such as traffic and weather extended run time to CTD but that's all. Performance though is excellent - restricted by GPU but all indicators were Green in using the frame rate counter in dev mode. System RAM and GPU RAM far from anywhere near fully utilised. CTDs not related to a particular aircraft or location; this time it was the Cessna Caravan, previously it's been various others.

This seems to be happening to more than a handful of people and, as you can imagine, is extremely frustrating. Although I've run a full diagnostic with no errors the next stage will be to take out a stick of RAM and see if that makes any difference - trying each stick in turn if necessary.

The trouble is since starting a new assignment in April I've had about 5 hours or so Sim time (not including the regular updates) so the fault finding process is a slow old game. On and on though - no giving up just yet!

Vc Ten
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Post by Vc Ten »

Hi Chris. As you know it's a memory access violation code. Could be faulty hardware
I would try, before you start pulling ram modules. Go into bios and disable Xmp then just drop your memory clocks a tad. I did have similar problem a while back. I think I dropped from 2666 to 2333
Worth a shot
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Post by chrispbits »

I don't want to jinx it but I've just had an hour of flying MSFS without crashing (the Sim - not quite so lucky with one flight). As recommended by MS/Asobo I uninstalled and reinstalled all my C++ redistributables and also removed all overclocking. Not sure which one did the job but so far so good. Oddly I had a crash immediately on start up but since then so far so good. I have everything crossed that my interventions have fixed this but time will tell.

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Post by chrispbits »

I think that it's now safe to say that my MSFS CTDs are behind me. the trick with the C++ redistributables seems to have done the job. Now that I've been able to get in a bit more flying time the quality of this latest release of MSFS is very impressive. Aside from my trim wheel being extremely over sensitive on the TBM90 all is well in my MSFS world.

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Post by chrispbits »

Too soon! Despite those test flights lasting longer than an hour with no problems my CTD woes are back. Interestingly I had a CTD prior to the latest update (crossed fingers it was an aberration, rather than what has become normality). Also interestingly I can have a CTD without even bothering to fly. On three occasions I've had CTDs, with the same cause as those in flight, occur following the update process when I've just left MSFS to do its thing. Typically I can fly only for between 10 and 15 minutes before the CTD bird strike.

So, having watched an interesting You Tube advising people changing from Intel to AMD to do a clean install of Windows, this is what I plan to do. When I did the change I just left Windows as it was but with new AMD drivers. The You Tube generally addresses performance issues but as these may be legacy Intel driver related I've decided on a clean install. I've ordered a 1Tb M2 SSD and plan to use that as the C drive. Watch this space!

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Post by Paul K »

Chris, I'd be very interested to hear your your thoughts on how MSFS runs on the AMD CPU compared to your Intel one. I recently ordered a new computer, and decided on an AMD one after reading the advice here, so any observations will be welcome.

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Post by TSR2 »

Hi Chris,

Definitely worth a clean build if you change CPU architecture. With regard to CTD, there’s a lot of evidence that suggests it’s almost always to do with the various online services dropping. Everything from the weather, scenery, online play, ATC etc. what seems to happen is that if some of these services drop, either the SIM itself or some of the addons behave oddly and can cause crashes. While the offline caches (automatic and manual) can have a slight performance enchantment there is evidence that it can greatly reduce CTD caused by the scenery streaming drop outs.


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