Accuracy or Type!!

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Would you download or paint an A/c purely for having that type or do you go for accuracy!

Poll ended at 31 Oct 2005, 12:00

Total votes: 24

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Post by Kimber »

I download so I will have a certian type of aircraft!! I like a nice
VC and nice details on the plane so the screenshots look nice!!
I do a lot of shots from the cockpit so it needs to be as real as

Like the Chippie and Davids Stearman and Mr Lyons STA!!

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Trev Clark
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Post by Trev Clark »

I go for accuaracy every time. Much as I hate to say it, I would prefer an accurate F-104 and even F-15 to an inaccurate Javalin or even a Beverley.
ATB Trev

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Post by DaveG »

I voted accuracy, though I don't mind if every aerial isn't present and correct.
As most aircraft seem to differ is some way between individual aircraft of the same type, it's nearly impossible to be totaly accurate anyway :lol:
Dave G.

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Post by Quixoticish »

Whilst I am usually a stickler for accuracy I have been known to enjoy myself when repainting in hypothetical "what-if" paints. Applying old Buccaneer or Sea Jet schemes to an F-35.

As for the actual aircraft, a VC isn't a must but is always a nice feature, especially in smaller aircraft. I am 50/50 split between aircraft that you can jump in and fly and something that takes a degree in aeronautical engineering to start up, sometimes my mood varies.

My biggest gripe with regards to accuracy is flight modelling. There are far too many excellent 3d models out there with a nasty set of horribly unreal flight dynamics slapped on.

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Post by markw »

Garry Russell wrote:

I would not though paint Mike Stones Freighter as a Superfreighter or a Super Constellation as an 0-49 and I do not paint or download fictional liveries.

Oddly enough I fancied a BUA liveried Freighter to fly Coventry to Calais car ferries, which were introduced in 1963, except by then most of the Series 21's had gone from the fleet. However, there were two which hung on until 1964-5 in BUA livery (AHJI and AIME), so I was able just to have an authentic livery on the sector. Probably the real route was only flown by Series 32's, but at least the chosen aircraft was still flying at the time so could have turned up.

Possibly a tad obsessive?

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Post by DelP »

I voted for accuracy as I've been a professional maker of one sort or another for the past 20 years and having always worked from plans and references down to the 'n'th part of a millimetre it's difficult to say otherwise :lol:

Having said that I use aircraft that have character irrespective of their accuracy or paint scheme...often if it looks right, it is right...

'My Auntie Mabel told me I'd make a great soldier, though I don't know how 30 years working in a biscuit factory had qualified her to make that judgement.....' Eddie Nugent

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