CBFS - Flynet

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CBFS - Flynet

Post by TSR2 »

It seems that everyone is enjoying flying on the VA, myself included! It has rekindled my FS experience.

Also looking at the stats for this month, it seems cbfs have 28.9% market share. This is tremendous work for our fledgling Airline.

I just wanted to thank John (and many other behind the scenes) for getting us up and going. :thumbsup:
I've had a look at what has been involved in setting up the system, and there is much more to it than I thought. :worried:

Its also worth noting that the flynet system is freeware, and like all of our developers on here, the guys setting this up and running the flynet system are doing a huge amount of work for something they enjoy doing.

Always worth giving praise where its due, so much as we do for our guys, it might be worth nipping over to the flynet contacts page and dropping them a wee email. :wink:


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The Ministry
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Post by DaveB »

Hi Ben,

I'd like to echo your thanks to all involved.. especially to John who I know has spent many a night into the wee-hours beavering away :wink:

The response from you guys here (the pilots) has been excellent. There is rarely a time (in fact, I can't think of one) when I've checked the flightboard and not seen at least 1 CBFS pilot in the air with other flights booked. Stat's-wise, I think we already have more pilots than any other airline (by quite some degree) and as more aircraft/routes become available.. I expect to see many of them become active.

Hat's off to you all and the virtual beer is on me :wink:


DaveB :tab:
Old sailors never die.. they just smell that way!


Post by Avant-Garde-Aclue »

I'd like to second Ben and DaveB's comments. Many thanks to John and the others who helped to put a new dimension into simming.

Once again many thanks


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