A Gmax Question For Dave G

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Dyl Roberts
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A Gmax Question For Dave G

Post by Dyl Roberts »

Hi Dave,

I'm seriously getting into Gmax at the moment, The reason I've decided to take the plunge is that FSDS isnt up to the project I'm currently working on. I'm creating a Fictional Aircraft Carrier for a group I fly with.

I've got into the modeling side of things now after a couple of days tinkering about with the prog, & have found it to be more advantagous with a whole host of things including the texturing!!

My main obstacle at the moment is that I want to create a landable deck for the carrier, what would be the best way to go about creating one? Once I've got this sorted, I can experiment with the rest of the modeling!

Thanks in advance :smile:

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Post by DaveG »

You've got 2 choices Dyl. You can either use an AFCAD (which you will probably need anyway) or use the Attach tool which comes with the Gmax SDK.

The attach tool can create a hard surface out of Gmax polys, so this is the way to go if you need things like a ski ramp as on the Hermes.
Dave G.

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Dyl Roberts
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Post by Dyl Roberts »

Hi Dave,

I've just been going through the attach tool tutorial now, got it sorted, I can land my helicopter on a box now...........lol!

A step in the right direction :dance:

Cheers Dave :wink:

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Post by JimCooper »


I thought you were going to spend the summer hill-walking and barbecueing!! Get off that PC!!!

How's the Firefly coming along? Don't forget to put a tail-hook on for carrier landings!!



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Dyl Roberts
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Post by Dyl Roberts »

Hi Jim,

The Firefly hasn't been worked on for a while as I've been Cycling & Drinking......... :lol:

I've had this carrier on the go for a long while now and I have found FSDS to be utterly useless with the creation of a landable deck, since they took that feature out in the "Newer" version, most software improves as it goes on, but I think that the FSDS team have dropped a huge knacker as far as landable platforms are concerned with their Version3.

So what little time I've had in between, I've concentrated on working in Gmax.

I'll get back to work on the Fly soon, but I have to get my Carrier sorted first :wink:

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