Odd bits on FlyNET tonight

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Odd bits on FlyNET tonight

Post by DaveB »

Hi Guys..

I've spent most of the day on FlyNET today without incident.. until my 7th flight.. from Teeside to Glasgow. Now, I'm not sure if it's my 'Scotland Blues' again but all appeared well until I'd landed and turned off the runway. I parked up and hit the parking brakes and waited.. and waited.. and waited for the ding-dong. In the end, I reduced the sim and found the client had me in a landed state but.. it had registered a landing rate of 410fpm :shock: It might have been 10fpm.. it might have been 15fpm but it most certainly wasn't 410fpm!!!!!!! (aircraft was a Dove btw).

A min or so later, I checked the flight on FlyNET and it was registering my previous flight (Jer to Teeside in the 748) so I checked again and this time it had updated!! :think:

I'm sure that nothing can be done about it but I'm still more than a little miffed at losing .5% aircraft life after a flawless landing. Just keep an eye out for odd things happening on the client/Flynet tonight :curse:


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Post by DispatchDragon »

Thank you Dave

I thought it was me - I ve been getting the new 1-11 fleet broken in and
ran from HNL-LIH (A whopping 18 minute flight but it puts fuel in the tanks)
and taxied up to the gate and sat and sat and sat etc etc - never did get
bing bonged (BTW Konny is quite smart - the crew call is used by the
Cabin staff to tell the cockpit that the doors are disarmed these days - so
that "bing Bong" is exactly what the pilots here at the end of a flight).
Anyhoo - went and looked at the client message and it said I was still
sitting at the gate in HNL
- so reset and flew again this time no problem - although by landing was
a little ore the 15 fpm



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Post by DaveB »

:think: :think:

Odd.. very odd. Sri you had probs but at least it wasn't only me!! :smile: I want to nip over to Campbeltown in the Rapide but another 410fpm would disintegrate it!! :lol: I have managed over 300fpm in the Rapide and that was my fault :worried: :-# I tried landing at Jersey in the VC and lost my b1oody way around the view (no TiR4.. using POV) which resulted in a huge bounce :doh: Should have tried it offline first I know but I was feeling daring!! Serves me right!! :tuttut:

Ah well.. in for a penny, in for a pound.. Campbeltown here we come :wink:


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Post by MALTBY D »

Just got back from Carthage & it bing-bonged ok for me.
Accused me of an over speed taxi mind, even though I was still bombing down the runway trying to find a turnoff.
Missed the one I should have taken though so it must have gone past the time limit. My landing lights seem a lot brighter than they were a couple of weeks ago (new install). Can't see a flippin' thing, but I didn't dare turn them off in case it told me off. :smile:

BTW I've been grabbing everyones flight reports off FlyNet & have some detailed stats. I'll put up a couple of web pages at the end of this month.
Some of you have spent a ludicrous amount of time flying for CBFS! :lol:

There are a few odd records in the logs, so it does go wonky from time to time. Two flights show the fuel used in minus figures! :think:


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Post by DaveB »

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ludicrous amount of time... who could that be :think: Thank goodness I'm not the worst offender :wink:

I took the plunge and flew to Campbeltown this evening and all was well although I took the precaution of restarting the pc before I set off! I've pretty much flown all todays flights back to back so I wonder if the server/client has had a busy spell and not released my last 748 flight from the system. I don't mind getting a doosey when it's my fault but I didn't even lose a tanner's worth of rubber on the Dove landing :dunno:

One thing I did notice again was that when I changed from the 748 back to the Dove.. I still heard 748 sounds so I guess this load of fsim really is in intensive care (or should be!!). I came out of flightsim and reloaded with the Cessna but I honestly don't think that when I went to the Dove I had Dove sounds (multiple Cessna sounds instead). I really should use the flightsim pc but it's a foot further away and would mean me changing chairs.. too much!! :lol:


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Post by MALTBY D »

I reckon FlyNet mixes up results very occasionally with someone elses flight.
Maybe you got the results of my horror landing with the Argosy (not flown it since :shock: ) - had to laugh at a 100% rating after that approach - if only it knew!

You've done a ludicrous number of flights Dave, but you're not top on hours & even I've covered more miles.
Ben leads the way there with enough miles on VC10s to almost reach the moon. :lol:


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Post by Chris Trott »

MALTBY D wrote:Just got back from Carthage & it bing-bonged ok for me.
Accused me of an over speed taxi mind, even though I was still bombing down the runway trying to find a turnoff.
Once you touchdown, you have 60 seconds to slow below 25 knots on landing. If you miss your turnoff, then you'd better slow down or you'll get nailed. There is no way for FlyNET to tell if you're on the runway or taxiway other than with speed (FS doesn't provide the information as to whether you're on a taxiway or runway for him to use) so that's the compromise. :)

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Post by MALTBY D »

Sounds fair enough. I know DaveB did tell me about this very early on, but it didn't sink in.
It didn't seem like a full minute, but then time flys when you're having fun.

Out of curiosity, how do they work it out when you taxi out for takeoff then? :think:
If you notice you've just broken the speed limit can you avoid a 5% penalty by slamming on full throttle & taking off on the taxiway? :lol:

Must be some link to RPM.
Wonder what happens if you give the engines a good blast with the brakes on during taxi?
Or what happens if you abort the takeoff?
hmmm :think:


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Post by DaveB »

Hi DM..

I'm not sure quite how it works for takeoff. On the majority of times you start a taxi run, you'll here a little beep in the background warning that you're flight is now live. I don't hear this beep all the time but that could be down to my poor hearing :roll: I always try and use Shift+Z and keep one eye on the red line and one on the taxiway. Not foolproof but it sure helps.
Fraser made an inpromptu GS gauge (available somewhere :shock: ) that will give you a further visible warning of impending doom.

It would be interesting to learn what happens on an aborted takeoff. I nearly had the opportunity to try it last week at Bournemouth. I have an elevation jump at the eastern end of the runway that I'd been unable to avoid and got a dull dong rather than a beep on takeoff. I aborted the run but bottled out and restarted the sim. On the second run.. I heard the bong again but thought BLX. I knew I'd not sped at any point so continued on.. the thought of being trapped in Bournemouth being too much to contemplate!! :lol: No penalty on landing so I don't know what the hell the bong was all about!! :think: Not heard it before or since.. thank goodness! :dunno:

Oh.. I don't think revving the 'taters off the engines has any effect mate.


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Post by blanston12 »

I don't know how it determines you are taking off but I notice that initial beep when I start to taxi from the gate, as soon as the taxi speed starts to get over 5 or 6 kn.
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