Bombardier crash in Kentucky USA

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Chris Trott
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Post by Chris Trott »

And Lief's lack of respect to me isn't? To fail to read my post and make the comments he did is to disrespect me and the memebrs of the forum who are actually there for knowledge and honest discussion.

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Garry Russell
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Post by Garry Russell »

Chris Leif did not tell you to "Stuff it"

Now stop arguing with members

By continuing to argue you are proving what an antagonist young man you are.

Now...........again leave it.



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Post by DispatchDragon »

I am doing this not as a retraction nor as an 'apology' for what I posted earlier - I stand by it.

Firstly as to the website you mention - I have visited and read it , along with
about fifty other similar websites that offer such unsavory (to my mind) and
poorly opinionated theories. I will restate what I said before - I will hold my opinions to myself until such time that the NTSB go team releases their
preliminary reports. The comment I made about about Monty Orangeball school of journalism and aircraft disasters and stuff was a reference to a
a character Roger Bacon developed in straight and level - the reference to Mr Trotts last visit to Lexington Kentucky (KLEX) was simply that - an observation - in this day and age ANYONE can look anything up on the web -
I think it was Dave G who had the intelliegence = ability to google, quote as his signature, and sits so true.

I am aware that the media is quoting the NTSB as having said "they may have taken off on the wrong runway." If anyone at the NTSB is foolish enough to have made that statement before even preliminary examination of the FDR and CVR is made then I would think IMHO they should be looking for another job. The purpose of any Accident Investigation board is to make solid, informed and educated conclusions about the details of an accident - and as such anyone who attempts to 'solve' an accident in the first 24 hours is playing only to sensationlism.

What I saw and heard on televison and on the web today is
as I stated before, pure Monty Orangeball sensationalist journalism...
I heard fools make statements about wrong runways, windshear,
poor maintenance, uncomplied with ADs, regional airlines levels of
training, lack of experience, terrorism, etc. ALL are purely supposition and conjecture - there are three witness' that know EXACTLY what happened
the First Officer, the CVR and FDR - as I said I think all would be wise
to wait and see. More time and thought and even (gasp) prayer should
be given to the families and loved ones of those who perished and less
for who can be the first to KNOW why it happened and claim bragging rights to the "I told you so" award.

OK this has been long winded and probably VERY boring for other
members here so I will finish with this thought - Chris please refrain from
thinking that everyone is out to get you AND, that, at 25 you have as much experience in the airline industry as the likes of Peter MC, Tonks,
VC10, Motormouse or any of the other 'lifers' who visit here. The point is very simple - at 25 they were LIVING it day to day - not living it vicariously through an electronic medium.


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Post by Rich »

Leif, I am in total agreement it should be left alone untill the official inquiry comes up with cause, what people THINK happened is neither here nor there.


Post by airboatr »

I want to say that I wastched the reports as they
were on cnn fox and MSNBC cable networks
(from the First report early in the morning to late in the afternoon)
I saw the wreckage of the crash on MSNBC
the wreckage was clearly seen just beyond the end of the short runway
I was very careful to wait untill i knew for sure that
what I saw was consistant with the theory's spoken by the
I saw the first report from the pres. of the company and
say the names of the crew. I want to make sure that this
is understood
I'm a very fact based type of person and i'm slow to judge
/but it was quite clear the wreckage was just beyond the end
of the short runway not the longer one.
I didn;t post untill sure.....
........ the media is the last to be believed at the begining of any story.

as to why this happened, will hopfully be answered by the FO himself
not through speculation.
Last edited by airboatr on 28 Aug 2006, 04:16, edited 1 time in total.


Post by airboatr »

chris this post is just for you buddy

you were wrong
Leif was just stating his feelings, I reread it and
I don't see anywhere in his post where he attacked you personally. he just said he didn't like the rush to judgement
type attitude of a lot of the sites on the web and tv
you read too much into some of these comments
and then think it's some kinda of personal attack on you.. about this..........
,,,,,,hold your tounge. and say the words
I'm sory for "being an apple"

go on do it.

you bring alot of this crap on yourself by rushing to judgement
and running the blow horn before thinking things through

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Chris Trott
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Post by Chris Trott »

Lief -

Firstly, I'm sorry for my comment to you. I took a lot more offense to what you typed than I should have. I respect your differing view on, you're entitled to your opinion.

I don't appreciate your generalized comment - " lord help us Accident Investigations R US". If you wish to wait, that's fine, but please don't insult the people on that forum who have put their lives into aviation and/or accident investigation and choose to share that insight with others. There are at least 3 retired Accident investigators, 1 active accident investigator (for the USAF), and 1 foreign investigator on that forum. There are also some active and retired Airline Pilots, the active ones have at least 10 years experience and a few of the have over 20 years experience. Finally, there is a group of at least 4 mechanics of which 2 have been such for over 25 years. They take the forum quite seriously during times like this and don't take what's being discussed lightly even though some users do. I participate in the forum mainly because it increases my awareness of what goes on out there and what not to do to hopefully keep my butt alive a bit longer while I'm flying by not making the mistakes made by others.

Hell, I got some great advice from one of the mechanics on what to look at on a plane I fly as the possible causes of several issues. He was spot on, and the plane got fixed faster than otherwise because we (the owner and I) went into the shop with a better idea of what I was experiencing and how to explain it. I got a great book from one of the pilots that I'd been unable to find in the stores on aircraft systems for pilots that has taught me a lot in addition to re-leaning stuff I'd forgotten from my PPL training.

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Post by DispatchDragon »

Sorry Chris

You have already burnt your bridges - as far as the webiste - I equate them to the same level as people who stop and stare and car accidents
emotional vultures - I care not one whit if they are retired anything - Leave it to the guys on the Go team - when and if they need it they'll come and ask these so called experts advice...and finally and this is aimed squarely at you
frankly I would have thought for someone who worked for an airline that
suffered a fatal accident you might have learned something from it.

and now Im requesting the admin lock yet another thread, seems a pity
but also the most prudent thing to do


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Garry Russell
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Post by Garry Russell »

Request accepted

This thread is just going to go arround in circles.

Thread lock



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