Sometimes it pays to be behind the times

If you have a payware prog whether it be a model, scenery or utility that you have tried.. tell us about it here.

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Charlie Bravo
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Post by Charlie Bravo »

It's poor, so poor that people have had enough of it now.

Whilst the game is in keeping with previous versions, there must come a point when MS look at the product and say it's time to move onwards and upwards ie FS98 -> FS2000. Problems and errors have been highlighted since FS2000 and they still remain in the game today.

You are correct in saying that I have no understanding of what goes into programming a game or any other software for that matter but FS just gets worse and worse.

24fps or not, the game still stutters and to me that is unacceptable. I too get 30fps+ but it's still lower than other games I have played that look far superior.

As for the game itself, MS seem to have the attitude that they can provide a crap base for other people to improve upon whether it be aircraft, textures etc.
This leads me to a question I have asked before..... what on earth have they been doing for 3 years because apart from the eye candy, nothing else has improved.
A bird in the hand will probably sh!t on your wrist.

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Chris Trott
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Post by Chris Trott »

Sadly though CB, you continue to not pay attention to anything *BUT* what you see.

Take a long look at the AIR and CFG files. Look at how the ATC system works internally (it has been cleaned up quite a bit even though they didn't get to do everything they wanted to with it). I know you haven't looked at the way the mission system works as opposed to the old adventure system. There have been a lot of non-visual changes to the system, most of them for the better. For example, now we have SimConnect, which was built with a lot of assistance from Peter Dawson (of FSUIPC notoriety) to allow the kinds of functionalities that Peter opened up in FS9 as an integral part of FSX. There are also more things for developers to (hopefully) make it easier for them to design quality aircraft and integrate them (like the separate VC and External models) which means that guys who like VCs can have them and those that don't can just delete the VC model.


Post by airboatr »

[quote="Chris Trott"]CB - just because you choose not to know about processing graphics and program data doesn't mean that its "sh*t". It just means that you're not aware of what it takes to make a game perform. quote]

well I know what it gonna take
a bunch more of my money and they AIn't gonna frinken
get any of it
case closed
end of story
go fly a kite
don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya
bye bye

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Post by petermcleland »

Well I read the whole of Roy Chaffin's article and I have to say that I would not disagree with anything he has said there. I have the utmost respect for Roy and regard his gauges for the R4D as the very best gauges ever written for FS :think:

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Charlie Bravo
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Post by Charlie Bravo »

The ATC is FS9 was shocking so I purchased Radar Contact. Has FSX got anything that Radar Contact hasn't? I doubt it.

The ground textures in FS9 were poor so I purchased Ground Environment Pro. Has FSX improved upon this? No.

The sky textures in FS9 were cartoon like so I purchased Real Sky. Has FSX offered anything new? No

The water textures in FS9 were odd so I downloaded Real Environment Pro. Has FSX delivered? No, they look even more bizarre now.

The flight planner in FS9 was basic so I purchased FS Build. Has FSX given us anything to rival this? I doubt it.

So I'm not just paying attention to what I'm seeing but to the game as a whole. Many years of being developed, many mistakes unchanged, much of my money staying in my pocket. :smile:
A bird in the hand will probably sh!t on your wrist.

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Chris Trott
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Post by Chris Trott »

And once again, you're wanting something that FS has never been. It is not a niche program for only us hardcore simmers who have been around aviation for many, many years; have flown real aircraft; and/or simply have a lot of enthusiasm for aviation and have learned as much as they can about flying from the guys who have done the first or second. Their program is designed to appeal to the largest number of people possible and guess what - we're not it.

Maybe once those of you here finally understand that and take it to heart and then do what you've always done (upgrade and improve via paying for or downloading addons from the community) and move on with life. Once you get rid of your unrealistic expectations, you'll be able to enjoy life more becuase right now, you're asking Microsoft to create software that does NOT make money and does NOT sell 1.5 million copies.

Peter, Roy didn't do the gauges for the MAAM-SIM R4D-6. Jan Visser and Mark Beaumont did. When Roy threw his fit and left, he told them they couldn't use "his" gauges for the R4D or the B-25. So, they got Jan and Mark and they re-did them all for the FS2004 release.


Post by airboatr »

Chris :huf:
a message from our 16th president Abe Lincoln
about your lengthy boring post


you may replay it as many tims as you like
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
for crying out loud you've raised the dead
Last edited by airboatr on 14 Oct 2006, 21:46, edited 1 time in total.


Post by Avant-Garde-Aclue »

Handing Mr Trott a king size roll of bathroom tissue with which to wipe his mouth

Where did you google that cr*p from? It appears that you are doing it again. You do the same on every forum you inflict yourself on Trott. You think you know everything and everybody is a lesser mortal than you. And as such such should aquiese to your views. No wonder people are leaving FS forums of all colours in droves. All because of TROTT the self imposed moderator and imagined font of all knowledge flight sim and computer. You make me sick.

(Note to moderators, fair cop, ban me if you wish)


Post by airboatr »

you know S. if his post are more than a few sentences
I just skip over it and read the rebuttals
Chris needs to know the definition of the word sentence

grammar<<< meaningful >>> linguistic unit: a group of words or a single word that expresses a complete thought, feeling, or idea.


Post by Avant-Garde-Aclue »

There's a lot of life left in FS9. Real people (both developers and repainters) have spent a lot of time making it what it is now, sometimes expending sweat and tears and probably blood. Why should they do it all again for an inferior product just to keep up with the Jones's?

I think that if Mr Trott would kindly start his own FSX and Trott adoration society elsewhere it would do us all a favour.

I know what you mean Abtr, sometimes its just like serving a prison sentence reading them.
