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Posted: 08 May 2006, 21:34
by DispatchDragon
Peter - I have a nice spit 2D that I use when Im not doing VC evaluation on it
However I think this VC might even make you a convert :roll Like DaveB
Ive actually ordered TrackIR for it - well that and a couple of others produced here locally :wink: Ed is going to great lengths to get everything correct, as an example I think we went through 4 beta versions in as many days after
his recent return to the states from Old Warden - Ed If your reading you really need to do a little story of how this beastie came about and the lengths
you have gone to get it RIGHT...Ok enough commercials the only complaint I would have is it doesnt have that peculiar coughing f@8ting sound of a Merlin throttled right back on the approach :lol: :lol:


Posted: 08 May 2006, 21:36
by Ed Walters
To quote one of our technical advisors...
"Popping- it's a bad thing - it may blow out the flame traps. Also, it changes the engine from engine driving prop to prop driving engine which puts undue mechanical strain on the motor."

I am intending to make it happen, but you shouldn't do it intentionally...!

The story of the lengths taken to get this right might get told at some stage, but I'm still working on it so I need to finish the story first :wink:

Posted: 09 May 2006, 08:16
by Trev Clark
I still think (as in the Lanc), that the blue uniform of the pilot is far to light in colour :roll: Just a thought.

Posted: 09 May 2006, 09:17
by andy
Ed Walters wrote:I heard a story of a guy who walked into a supermarket and someone came up to him and said "So, are you enjoying your Track IR?"...

The guy was very puzzled, until he realised that he still had the reflective dot stuck to his forehead!

(And no - I don't have a TrackIR - it wasn't me guv!)
I like that.............I like it a lot. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 09 May 2006, 13:43
by Ed Walters
I've already been told off about the pilot's uniform - it will be changed ;) He's untextured as of yet, but he's pretty accurately equipped.

Posted: 09 May 2006, 17:28
by Trev Clark
I've already been told off about the pilot's uniform - it will be changed ;) He's untextured as of yet, but he's pretty accurately equipped.
The depth of research you guys go to is above and beyond the call of duty!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 11 May 2006, 14:44
by ChrisHunt

Those are some of the more "artyer" screenshots I've seen. Looks good enough to buy!

I too would like Track Ir but my other half thinks I'm mad enough as it is I would risk getting laughed out of the house.

Just a thought - In my next life (FS(XXXX) perhaps?) I must remember a crucial interview question for future spouse - do you like PCs and flying?


Posted: 11 May 2006, 14:47
by DaveB
As a by-the-by.. Mr Walters is the very delicate age of 23-years-old today!!

Happy Birthday Ed :wink: :partyman:

ps.. hope you don't mind me sharing this with the troops!! :argue: :worried:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 11 May 2006, 15:22
by Garry Russell
I wouldn't worry about it Dave

By putting it on the Forum it can only be read by the whole world. :lol:

Happy birthday Ed :dance: :drinkers: :rock: :birthday:


Posted: 11 May 2006, 16:10
by Ed Walters
Thanks chaps! :D