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Posted: 20 May 2006, 10:21
by buff
Thanks guy's, will try what dave suggested, and will definately take the word of the real tristar guy's!,

will get back to you all!!

Thanks!!!1 :smile: :smile:

Posted: 20 May 2006, 10:49
by tash
Ah Haa Haa! As we speak the RAF are now having there Tristars moded by upgrading to a full glass flt deck, but we still keep the Air Eng (The RAF never do a job properly, if they wanted a dog they would buy a cat and mod it!) :roll: . I've seen the plans and photos etc and all looks very cool :wink:

On the not being able to 'stop it' problem, I have never been able to get the spoilers to work in AGS (Auto ground spoilers) as soon as the thing hits the deck. That would certainly help you stop in time :shock:

Posted: 20 May 2006, 11:08
by buff
Guy's.... I think i have solved it!

You must use auto throttle when cruising, it seems the engines will obey that......but not be????? (if anyone else has this problem.. try this)

Well, if that solves it... Im happy, sorry if i wasted any of all the people who replied's time.

Thank you all for you're replies!!!!!!! :partyman:

Posted: 20 May 2006, 11:50
by DaveB
Hi Buff,

Glad you got it sorted in the end and no time wasted at all. There is always the likelihood of something interesting turning up out of one of these threads and we've not done badly out of this one :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 21 May 2006, 01:09
by Jetset
Sorry Buff, only just got to the thread. Never had much problem with the L1011, but most of the time I have had the autothrottle engaged until the later stages of descent. Once disengaged I haven't had any problems.