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Posted: 15 Aug 2006, 00:26
by DaveB

The problem with the default DC3 is the absolutely cr@p texture map mate. While you might be able to get modified airfiles and as you point out, it looks better with a different graphics card.. the model itself cannot be painted to a satisfactory (read accurate) standard due to the composition of the texture map :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 15 Aug 2006, 00:41
by bigred1970
DaveB wrote:BigRed..

The problem with the default DC3 is the absolutely cr@p texture map mate. While you might be able to get modified airfiles and as you point out, it looks better with a different graphics card.. the model itself cannot be painted to a satisfactory (read accurate) standard due to the composition of the texture map :wink:


DaveB :tab:
oh, as you can tell I have no experence with doing textures.... I have no artistic skill at all....

Posted: 15 Aug 2006, 01:28
by DaveB
Hello mate :smile:

I have no first-hand experience either as I don't paint but I know from those among us who are talented in this area that the texture map is a sham for the DC3. Logo's/registrations on wings and tail are almost impossible to achieve due to the 'mirror image' way the texture map was put together. This means (roughly speaking) that if you paint say a reg on one side of the upper LH wing.. it will appear on the upper RH side reversed and there's nowt you can do about it.
I've flown the default DC3 a few times in the VA and it was only when goofing on the outside that I noticed that the BEA paint for it looks ok on one side but on the other, the reg is reversed :shock: Needless to say, I did the return flight and haven't flown it since :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 15 Aug 2006, 01:43
by Garry Russell
That's right Dave..and the rudder is a different to the fin making it line up differently to how it looks

Here it is BR.

The fuse consists of one full side minus rear end and the top rear and front but not the nose of the other.

The doors don't line up properly so that has to be miss aligned on the texture to align on the model.

See how the logo is a different depth on the rudder to line up wit the fin!


See how there is one tail and rear fuse, tailplane and top bottom wing so no registration lettering or it is back to front one side :huf:

Sorry about the depth but I wanted to make it as clear as pos 75% of original 768x768 instead of 800x600.


Posted: 15 Aug 2006, 02:38
by blanston12
DaveB wrote:Hello mate :smile:

I have no first-hand experience either as I don't paint but I know from those among us who are talented in this area that the texture map is a sham for the DC3. Logo's/registrations on wings and tail are almost impossible to achieve due to the 'mirror image' way the texture map was put together.
As someone who has painted the default DC3 I can say that everything DaveB and Garry said is true. I when I release my paint, I actually released two versions, one with the airlines initials on the tail and another with the initials replaced by stripes so that they could choose which wrong version they would like.