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Posted: 18 Sep 2006, 14:52
by Garry Russell
Hi Dave

Sorry not havin' a good day.........I try to limit them to seven a week

Anyway.........I don't get it :think:


Posted: 18 Sep 2006, 15:01
by DaveB
Top Man Seaking :thumbsup:

Garry.. I don't know anything about a pink Harrier either mate but my guess is that if there was one, it had nothing to do with anyones sexual persuasion. We had pink Spits too though for what reason I can't remember :roll: Something to do with desert camo maybe?? :think:

Sri this has gone OT Andy :doh:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 18 Sep 2006, 15:05
by Garry Russell
Right I'm with you all now

I'll stick to pink Hercules or were they elephants.?

OK yep........ lets hope someone comes up with Andys paint soon :pray:


Posted: 18 Sep 2006, 15:39
by AndyG
OK, let's see if I can deal with these in order! :think:

Seaking, sounds like you could be the man to help! Your comments match up with my understanding; the USMC F-4B in question went unserviceable on Ark during some exercises in the Med. As Ark's next scheduled stop was Malta, and there was a certain amount of political 'friction' between the US and that nice Mr Mintoff, it was thought sensible to 'hide' the Phantom on the hangar deck; I'm sure nobody can be to blame for a little creativity while it was there! I don't suppose you can answer my tail colour query?

Garry, no probs mate, I've just sent you another PM. Just to clarify, I'm not asking anybody to do this for me, the intention is to have a crack myself, just need a little more info.

Dave (and Garry). The pink Harrier, I thought that one was famous! Apparently the boys from Wittering did an exchange visit to a french Mirage base. While they were there John Adams (now of Aeroclub fame) zapped one of the Mirages; as this is a family forum I won't go into details, suffice to say it involved another bird species 'servicing' the stork emblem of the squadron in question; according to John this was done with paint that could be easily washed off, and with the co-operation of the French ground crews. Everybody found this very funny, ho ho ho, and a good time was had in the mess that night.

The next morning the RAF guys came out to their flightline, to be greeted by a strange site; overnight their T2 had been treated to three coats of white and pink emulsion, with such added extras as the 1 Sqn badge having long eyebrows etc. More laughs (ho ho) and everybody went their separate ways. The first person not to laugh was the boss back at Wittering, who delicately suggested that the paint be removed rather quickly!!

So as soon as we get a T2 ......


Posted: 18 Sep 2006, 15:50
by Garry Russell
In the pink :redface:

Yeah..........I can imagine the boss........

:lol: :lol:


Posted: 18 Sep 2006, 17:15
by chockhead819
standard procedure in the RN, you leave your visiting aircraft at your own risk as they will be "got at"
our was a squadron logo & got at by gannet, this happened to my knowledge on a F-111, a Lightening & a T-33

Posted: 18 Sep 2006, 20:07
by Seaking
Hey Andy

As far as I can remember the 892 boys redid the entire tail, I do remember she was in the hangar queen spot for quite a spell.

My old memory banks don't compute as to how she looked when she landed.

Hope it helps

Posted: 18 Sep 2006, 21:21
by AndyG
Seaking wrote:Hey Andy

As far as I can remember the 892 boys redid the entire tail, I do remember she was in the hangar queen spot for quite a spell.

My old memory banks don't compute as to how she looked when she landed.

Hope it helps
Thanks. I think I'll work on that assumption, unless my USMC source comes up with anything different. Watch this space for further developments! :smile:


Posted: 18 Sep 2006, 23:23
by igorski
Andy, looks liek they did do the entire fin..

Posted: 19 Sep 2006, 00:08
by ianhind

The BuNo of that F-4B is 151477. Intriguing little challenge. Loads of photos of the Coral Sea deployment(s) but this is the only F-4 depicted from the Forrestal deployment of 1972-73.

I assume that you have seen: ... =25&pos=52 ... om-08.html ... 39709.html (text just over halfway down)

Code for VMFA-31 was "AA" on the Forrestal cruise so that would be on the tail. The nose code of 207 was used for the deployment.

The only similar photo is at ... om-06.html - white nose cone and unreadable carrier name.

But if this were the Coral Sea deployment "205" would be 151007 ( ... 3-02f.html) and probably dark tail.

Only problem is working out what the tail scheme is :roll:

If all else fails there is a guy who served on the cruise with VMFA531 at:

Anyway hope that helps - and if you can get an enlargement of!