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Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 02:46
by Jetset
Oh God I hope not. I just pray its the psu. Especially as it's not kicking in at all.

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 03:00
by jonesey2k
Might also be worth checking the motherboard to see if any of the capacitors are bulging and/or bleeding.

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 03:00
by petermcleland
What about the CMOS battery...Lack of BIOS would prevent posting...but you would have noticed it forgetting the correct date and time a while ago if it was that. I had that a while ago after a power failure from lightning strike and my CMOS memory was gone and could not be restored...I had to fit a new Mobo to fix it but all the drives data and RAID array were intact when I woke it up...I've got one of those protected power supplies now, so if the mains power goes down I get a continuous beep that warns me to save and shut down ASAP before the reserve battery goes flat :think:

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 03:50
by Jetset
I just have no technical knowledge in terms of how they operate. Fingers crossed it's something small. Otherwise I will be doing even more overtime to pay for it. Good job I love my job.

Posted: 01 Mar 2007, 00:12
by Jetset
Well, a new power supply and motherboard later I am back up and running. Cost me £80, but it's good to be back.

Posted: 01 Mar 2007, 01:04
by petermcleland
Well Done Jetty...Nice to see you back...I was wondering how it was going :dance:

Posted: 01 Mar 2007, 01:50
by Jetset
Thanks Peter!

Posted: 01 Mar 2007, 02:46
by airboatr
sory to hear about the PC troubles Jetty
Nice to smell new stuff burning in eh?
sniff ........ahh
and thanks for the WB

Posted: 01 Mar 2007, 14:20
by Nigel H-J
Good to here that Jetset........Nothing worse than not knowing what the prob is.............Has happened to me in the past............Not funny.

Anyway, nice to see your're posting again.

Regards Nigel.

Posted: 01 Mar 2007, 15:37
by Jetset
Thanks guy's, just lost all of the FS stuff, so it's time to slowly start rebuilding my collection. As I mentioned in another post I am looking into more sailing now, so may knock FS on the head a bit.