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Re: Piper Cub

Posted: 03 Mar 2009, 08:04
by Quixoticish
Ben Hartmann wrote:
Lewis - a2a wrote:What's all this marketing talk and yes we will still be around, we have been for years we have our own licensed FS engine and links with big brand names, it isn't like we are going to fall over all that easily :thumbsup:
It's all very well stating your why's and wherefore's like that (yes, that too is marketing talk) but your eventual downfall will be your backwards compatibility. Stratocruiser for FS9?? :dunno: Didn't think so. Piper Cub for FS9? FSAddon's will do quite nicely for now......

Developers like Alphasim & Carenado have both realised that there are people like myself who will never upgrade to FSX, and value our custom, if A2A could be a bit more that way inclined there would be more of an incentive to purchase addons from yourselve's...............


When you talk about "your eventual downfall" you are basing this on what, exactly? Since I doubt it's fifty years working in the industry and a string of undergraduate and post graduate qualifications of direct relevance to running a Flight Simulation company I find that comment rather presumptuous and it smacks of sour grapes to be honest. If you choose to stick with FS9 then that's your choice, there is nothing stopping you using FSX as well but you'll simply have to shrug and accept that you won't be able to fly the latest releases from a number of companies who now develop for FSX only.

Re: Piper Cub

Posted: 03 Mar 2009, 14:14
by Ben Hartmann
Chris H wrote: there is nothing stopping you using FSX as well but you'll simply have to shrug and accept that you won't be able to fly the latest releases from a number of companies who now develop for FSX only.
Then its no loss then is it? :lol:



Re: Piper Cub

Posted: 03 Mar 2009, 17:44
by Lewis - a2a
so your posting in this topic for just as the lads say 'sour grapes' ?? :think:

Also our 3d lights pack we got into fs9

Re: Piper Cub

Posted: 03 Mar 2009, 19:10
by Quixoticish
Ben Hartmann wrote:
Chris H wrote: there is nothing stopping you using FSX as well but you'll simply have to shrug and accept that you won't be able to fly the latest releases from a number of companies who now develop for FSX only.
Then its no loss then is it? :lol:


The prosecution rests, your honour.

Re: Piper Cub

Posted: 04 Mar 2009, 07:44
by Ben Hartmann
Chris H wrote:
The prosecution rests, your honour.
Not entirely......I quote the following:-
Chris Trott wrote:The point is Ben - if they weren't selling units at a decent rate in FSX, they wouldn't be moving forward on that path. I'll be frank Ben - Alphasim & Carenado haven't ever been known as "leading edge" developers. They have always used proven technology and their releases have been to the level of others, but not pushing the boundaries as developers like A2A, PMDG (for all their problems), Aerosoft, and EagleSoft Development Group (to name a few) have been.
Hmmm Ariane, Wilco/Feelthere, Captain Sim, Aerosoft, ESDG, PDMG, Level-D, yadda-yadda.What do these have in common? The majority of their "Accu-sim" FSX products are reworks / Upgrades of FS9 models (With FSX now coming of age most of these models have now been reworked to include DDS, Bump-mapping, but this isn't a valid point here), they still maintain the same panel fuctionality that they did in FS9.

Quote again:-
Chris Trott wrote:Ben, unfortunately, you fail to understand where A2A's drive is and where the majority of FS users are and where they are going. They are not staying with FS9 nor is it possible to integrate Accusim with FS9 due to its complexity.

what makes accu-sim "accu-sim"? The functionality of the panel compared with real life operations, and the operation of the panel in relation to the flight dynamics & 3D model animations on the basis of how the aircraft bares up with in real life. That is accu-sim. Chris if this is not the case then hmmmm, would you care to remind me which sims Dreamfleets' 727 & maybe PMDG's 747-400 were originally designed for?

As regards A2A's drive? You are right Chris, I don't understand where their drive is coming from, and its not certainly from a realist. People are losing their jobs on a daily basis. New computer sales have hit an all-time slump. We're in the middle of a global recession yadda-yadda. As much as I would love to get myself a nice beefed-up system to cope with FSX, with more core's than a genetically modified apple & more RAM that a jamaican goat-herder, the choice to be able to just simply isn't an option anymore. I have bills to pay. I need to feed my family. I need to insure my car. I need to keep my job. I need to keep a roof over my head. I don't need a new system for a sim that doesn't give me more satisfaction that any previous version of Flight Simulator.
Chris Trott wrote:They are not staying with FS9
Thats funny you should say that :lol: A few of the UKMIL guys whom until recently would never of blinked at the thought of making a move down to FS9 from FSX, have done. Why have they done it? Greater choice of aircraft, both freeware & payware? backwards compatibility with gauges right the way back to FS98? How about all those 1000's of realistic AFCAD's & addon airports? I could go on. But thats what makes people like myself stay with FS9. The freedom of choice. Hence you are going to continually get flare ups worse than an eczema rash when it comes to FS9/FSX debates.

No disrespect to you both, Or A2A & their representatives, I just feel that constantly that the last of the few, as it were, are losing out.

Not sour grapes. Just disappointment at what I feel as an ill-concieved marketing decision.



Re: Piper Cub

Posted: 04 Mar 2009, 13:36
by Chris Trott
Ben, you don't market to the few if you wish to make a profit while having reasonable prices.

Also, Accusim is more than anything PMDG or Level-D have ever considered doing. There are several videos and threads on their forum that explain what Accusim is, but needless to say, the idea is not to replicate just the systems and what you would see on the panel, it's to replicate the entire airplane as faithfully as possible WITHOUT a major hit in performance. In fact, all of the A2A Accusim aircraft perform BETTER on my computer than the default aircraft. That should say something. They're not "upgrades", they're all FSX native models. A2A is the only one with Accusim. Others have "high fidelity" aircraft, but none really come close to what A2A has been able to come up with.

As for "upgrades", that's a cost decision Ben, not a compatibility one. If you look at the PMDG MD-11 (that bear of a pricing too) they built an entirely new FSX-native model and then re-tuned it to work in FS9. This cost them a lot of additional time and money to have done, but they did so only because they had originally promised an FS9 version and the panel developer had promised for YEARS an FS9 update of his excellent FS2002 MD-11 panel only to betray all of his followers and go Payware and then announce that they were only going to do FSX. There is a difference between honoring promises made in the past and going forward with a new product line and new concept in full force for where FS will be in a few years. Also, you're right, FS9 has more addons. No argument, but how does FSX get to the same level if everyone is still developing for FS9 in addition to FSX, or more importantly, if they are ONLY developing for FS9? This is a conscious decision as well for developers to make. Many of them are making the decision that both freeware and payware, they want to support FSX which will have a longer lifespan and a larger potential for delivered units of their product before the next FS version comes out in 2-3 years if the indications from Microsoft are correct.