FSX Steam compatibility?

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FSX Steam compatibility?

Post by connorlrichey »

Hi, I have a question. Can you tell me whether all of the FSX products are able to work through Steam? Thank you so much for your help.

Connor Richey

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Re: FSX Steam compatibility?

Post by Airspeed »

Hi Connor,
When you say "all" are you including fancy stuff like loading and the VA bits, or just scenery and aircraft?
No problem with those last two, but I'm not a VA flyer and the intricate stuff that they seem to use is out of my league.

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Re: FSX Steam compatibility?

Post by TSR2 »

Hi Connor,

Anything that can be installed via drag and drop (i.e. copying a folder) should work fine. The VA Fsa addon we have worked fine with steam last time i checked.

With addons that use an installer program, its a bit more of a confusing picture.
1. Some installers will automatically detect the steam edition, and these should work just fine.
2. Some installers (quite a lot) will ask you to browse to the location of your FSX install, and again, these should also work just fine.
3. There some installers that may not work by default. These would tend to be in the minority, but if its for an addon you are going to buy, I’d ask before you part with your cash. There is usually a manual way to make these work, by movibg folders or files, but not always.

Let us know how you get on. 👍


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Re: FSX Steam compatibility?

Post by connorlrichey »

All of it.

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